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A healthy home = A healthy mind?

How many times in life do we need to purge? What about making something right? It seems even the simplest of things can make our minds and bodies feel so much better. I don't know about you but I'm lazy about certain things in life. I will work hard at my job and my family, and when the rest comes to the plate - I feel worn thin. So my house will be cleaned sporadically and my yard goes in spurts. I can't balance it all. They say a sign of a healthy mind is when you're able to get up and make your bed every day. Do you notice when you do get your bed made, how good and refreshed you feel? If you are anything like me - I'll cheat a little. I pull up the covers but won't completely make it every day. BUT when I do, making it feels good.  And I find that I have the energy to do more around my home. Is anyone else like this or just me? Today I finally purged my back garden of all the daunting monstrous weeds and tilled the 'hard as clay'