
Showing posts with the label some doctors

Shaking my head

This post got me thinking about some doctors and their callous sense of everyday life. I think sometimes they forget that just because they see things day in and day out, that the rest of us aren't quite as de-sensitized to the whole bodily process and pain thing. It always amazes me when a doctor has a could care less attitude. Not all in the medical field are this way...let me stipulate! Most are great with bedside manner. The reason they got into the field is that they care, but some just should change professions. Like the nurses that stick my son with shots or swab his throat in a rough manner, because they don't take time to be careful. Those are the kind of people I'm talking about here. Thankfully I've got a great G.P. and Pediatrician that are empathetic. Now my OBGYN, although a wonderful doctor and caring to a point, is someone who is rather clueless to certain things like pain. I know next to having a baby, there is no such thing as pain. So