Fighting For Those That Need It

SO my little guy turned nine this week. Sigh ... NINE!

It's the last year before double digits. And each year has been a new lesson for me as a mother. Some of the most important ones I've learned from my child.

Like when he was seven and we had the 'talk' or when he was four and he told me to cancel all his appointments for a full year because he was angry from getting shots.  I have learned that my son has a strong backbone, a bright mind, and a deep heart.  I've learned more about me as a person, through watching and rearing my son.

Friday, I learned that I wasn't the only one that held respect for my son is such a 'big picture' way.  I know God has big plans for my son, but I never thought that He'd be using my son in such big ways now, in his life at this age.

That day I took cookies to my son's school, during the lunch hour, to celebrate his birthday with all his classmates. The teachers there have a wonderful tradition, which is allowing each child around the room to say something or express something to or about the birthday child.

So in tradition, the teacher invited the children to express their thoughts about or to my little T.  I saw most of the arms around the room shoot up.  She patiently picked them one by one.  I heard comments that every mom or parent loves to hear.

I heard things like - "I like him because he's so kind."  or "He's so intelligent."  (I heard that a few times.)

But toward the end of these thoughtful and sincere comments one child, who had been waiting patiently finally was chosen to speak.

I heard a soft raspy voice say, "I am glad T is in our class because at recess when someone's picking on you, he makes them stop.  And he makes everything okay again."

That brought tears to my eyes.  That my guy, who is small for his age and often gets mistaken for someone a couple years younger than he is, would have that big of an impact on another child.

My strong-willed, stern minded, and big-hearted guy is tiny but mighty. And he doesn't like bullies.  He's come home before telling me how he doesn't like it when he sees the ten-year-old students pushing the younger kids around on the playground.

And to hear that a child is so grateful to him for that.  Well that was a big moment for me as a parent.  I still tear up about it. 

Not many people, adults included, take up for people when they should.  And my little T is obviously making an impact on those around stop the threats of bullying at his school.

Go, lil' T.  You rock.  Never lose the ability to fight for those that need it.


Tara R. said…
That is a very cool thing to hear about your son. Way to go little man!
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks Tara. I am so proud of him.
Interesting Facts said…
It seems that a mother learn from her kids also. Kids are their teacher then. Each experience is learning.
Kimberly McKay said…
Yes. It's amazing what we learn from our kids.
Bad Momma said…
My little guy just turned 11! Happy birthday "T".

It's always interesting to see how others perceive your child. Especially the good stuff!
Kimberly McKay said…
Happy Birthday to yours! Love it.

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