Brian Naranjo - A Celebrated Man

It's Saturday...

It's Saturday, and at this very moment a few hundred miles north of me, my friend is grieving the loss of her husband.

It's Saturday, and this week has felt like an eternity.  I've moved through this week with such a heavy heart.

And I feel guilty for being trapped in this fog of sorrow, as I'm not the one who lost my life long partner of over twenty years. I'm not the one who just got my husband back from Afghanistan, only to lose him to unexpected death.

I can not fathom how my friend is coping, walking step by step through the process of burying her soul mate at the tender young age of thirty-nine.

Brian Naranjo would have been forty years old on February 29th, 2012. Brian Naranjo would have his whole life ahead of him. He would have been celebrating a marquis year when you're supposed to reflect on where you've come and what you have left to do. 

In reading his Facebook wall, as I'm inexplicably drawn to it, I've read the many memories shared by his childhood friends, family, and fellow soldiers. I smile tenderly at a picture of someone I never met in person but knew through my friend ... his wife, Brooke, and FaceBook.

I hurt, seeing his smiling face on his profile picture, in which he stands next to his front door. The front door has a homemade drawn sign on butcher paper, which reads, 'Welcome Home'.

I don't know why we all can't live to a ripe old age of one-hundred and nine.  I don't get it when people are taken too young... too soon.

I don't get it.

What I do get is just how big of an impact Brian made those around him. And isn't that what it's all about? Brian's faith in the Lord and courageous spirit gave him what he needed for thirty-nine bold years to make his mark on life.  A mark that left an imprint on each of of those he encountered.

For me - Brian helped get my foot in the door with a publisher. He is a major factor in why Finding Kylie was considered and got published.  He helped fulfill a lifelong dream of mine, and that is not something I take lightly.

On another occasion, he read on Facebook I was looking for some photoshop software. My computer had crashed and I lost all my programs. He contacted me to see how he could help, as he was also a photographer.  He was in Afghanistan and was asking if he could help me...  that blew me away. 

Here's someone who's serving overseas in a very dangerous area, and he's taking time to reach out to help his wife's friend for software needs.  But that was Brian...he did what he could, whenever he could to matter what.

Brian was also a gifted author with two books: 'Childish Things' and 'The Tamale List'.  In fact ... just two days before reading about his death on Brooke's Facebook wall - his status announced that a major literary agent and publishing house was picking up his third book. I was so happy for him. There was so much to look forward to for him and his future.

Brian's celebrated military career was just as interesting as he was ... but as I couldn't recall it as well as Brooke could, I use her words below.

'Brian was a Mass Communications Chief in the Navy Reserve. He was active duty Navy from 1990-1999, with assignments to AFRTS (FEN-Tokyo), COMNAVMAR, Guam, and at JRB Fort Worth. He joined the Reserve in 2001 and served on deployments to Chinhae, Korea in 2001-2002, Misawa, Japan in 2008, and at ISAF in Afghanistan from 2009-2010. Brian's proudest moment came when he received his anchors in a ceremony in 2002 while he was the (Civilian) Public Affairs Officer of NAF Atsugi, Japan. He will be remembered as a Chief, not an E-7.'

Brian wrote for The Navy Reservist (TNR) magazine, Anchors in the Dirt.  He wrote on topics that were based on his tour in Afghanistan.  He was well known for his wit, humor, and wisdom.  It takes a moment to load, but I encourage you to click through to read some of his work - here.

Most importantly than all these accolades above - Brian was a loving family man, who served his country and his God.

So as I type ... and as his family sadly prepares him for burial ...

Brian is lovingly held in the arms of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.   And although we all know we'll see him again one day - we can't help but miss the brightness of the man that left this world way too early.

Rest in Peace my friend ... and know your family and friends will miss you.


Momo Fali said…
I am so sorry. What a tragic loss. I thank him and his family for their service for our country and I wish his family peace.
Kimberly McKay said…
awww..thanks Momo. I appreciate you leaving such a sweet comment. Maybe you could tweet this link. I'd like more people to know what an angel Brian was and is.
Rebecca said…
My heart aches for your friend. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Tina Walker said…
I'm very sorry for your loss. He was young. I am grateful for your family to allow your husband to protect everyone precious to me and are country. I hope your family finds peace inside there hearts. I too lost my soul mate @ the age of 39.
NavyBULLetin said…
Great post! I posted something this morning He will be missed.
Kimberly McKay said…
Rebecca - thanks for the sweet comment. Tina - I'm s sorry. I know the loss of your husband has been very recent as well. I know it's a tough road.
NavyBULLetin - thank you for stopping by. I read your post ... well done!!
Anonymous said…
He is a great man! My best friend has the same name and they look the same expect my buddy is darker.Its amazing his much we have in common as people. I express my deepest sympathy for your loss.
Blake Naranjo said…
Crazy that today of all days I see this....thank you!
Kimberly McKay said…
Blake, I'm so sorry. I know the one year anniversary is a tough one. I hope this post somehow helped.
Anonymous said…
I have wanted to read The Tamale List, but with Brian's passing, and on a small disability pension, it is beyond my reach monetarily. *sob* RIP

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