cancel all my appointments!!

Yesterday we had our four-year-old check-up. We got his hearing and vision checked...A-OKAY. He got to pee in a cup for the first time, which he was thrilled about.

What is it about boys and peeing anyways? (I think that's another blog)

After the initial consultation, when our doctor asked him a round of pertinent questions to test his mental capacity, the nurse came in with a box of needles hidden behind her back.

I hugged my son and laid him down for her. She told him to grab my hands and squeeze hard if he needed to. He saw the first of two syringes in her hands, and just lay there in a stupor. I know he was thinking, "You're gonna do what?" He held my hands and didn't even flinch when the first one when in. She slowly injected the shot and pulled out and grabbed the second round. I felt no squeezing going on and no tears were welling up....hmmmm...good sign.

Number two went in his other leg, and again he didn't even flinch. After she pulled out that monstrous needle, put spiderman band-aids on his legs, and congratulated him on being such a big boy, my son sat up and frowned, saying, "Don't ever do that to me again. Did you hear me? That hurt!" 

There were no tears shed from him - just anger. I wanted to giggle but couldn't, so I leaned over to grab him in a loving embrace for reassurance. My child is the sweetest, most funny kid. He looked at me with big eyes and told me, "Tell her not to ever do that!"

After she left and we paid, he complained some. It dawned on him how bad it hurt and whimpered a little. He was due! I would have been crying if she'd done that to me...I would at least made a grunt, a noise, or cursed....which I never do. Once in the car, he stated in a very grown-up manner, with the exception that his bottom lip was stuck out, "Mom, cancel all my appointments with the doctor this year! I'm never going back to that place again!" This time I couldn't help but belly laugh.


Anonymous said…
Very nicely written. A fun moment in the life of parenting.

I find it funny also that you refer to poop as "Number 2". It makes me think of a catcher signaling for a curve ball. You son certainly threw you a curve, huh?
Ahhh...poor thing....I hated having to take my kids to the doctors, especially to have shots. They look at you with those bigg puppy eyes, "how could you do this to me, mommy??"...
Have a great weekend, gurl!!
Terri said…
Your son sounds SO adorable!
Carol said…
What a precious and sweet child you have there. I am still laughing even as I am writing this comment. Too funny. He is very very smart!
Kimberly McKay said…
I'm glad it got you laughing too. I think he's pretty funny, but every mom thinks theirs is the best. We're biased toward our own, but they're all adorable!

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