iFly is In'freakin-credible

Throughout my life and travels, I've had some really neat things that I've been able to participate in or accomplish. Not to list them out or name any names, as this is not a brag-book - but to say that I had the most fun in my entire life this weekend is truly special. Since we've not had a summer vacation for our family in a while, we planned a quick four-day get-a-way this past weekend. We wanted somewhere close but far enough away from Oklahoma City, that we felt like we were going 'somewhere'. We'd already done Dallas, Ft. Worth, Kansas City, Branson, but weren't ready to go as far as Missouri, Arkansas, or Tennessee. So we figured Texas, as large as it is, would have a fun suburb that could hold some potential fun for our family - hence... Frisco, Texas, where we found iFly. iFly has been around for a while but is just now making it's way to Oklahoma City. Since we knew of it's pending arrival, we thought it would be fun to try it ou...