Undercover Boss Eye Opener
This past week I watched Undercover Boss , which featured Retro Fitness and one employee in particular, who got fired. Normally Undercover Boss shows a few employees, with great stories and a good work ethic, and sometimes there may be a few problem employees. In this last issue, it seems all anyone is talking about is that one problem employee, named Jacqueline, who was a shining example of what bad attitudes are really about, and was about as bad as they come. Jacqueline, who on the outside, seemed like a clean-cut decent person until she opened her mouth to speak. And this girl wasn't just rude ... she was abusive to everyone around her. As if it wasn't bad enough that she was completely unprofessional and had no compassion for anyone around her at work ... she then turned into the flippant, defensive, careless girl, who talked back to the CEO of the company when he tried to explain his grievances with her. She p...