Undercover Boss Eye Opener

This past week I watched Undercover Boss, which featured Retro Fitness and one employee in particular, who got fired.  Normally Undercover Boss shows a few employees, with great stories and a good work ethic, and sometimes there may be a few problem employees.

In this last issue, it seems all anyone is talking about is that one problem employee, named Jacqueline, who was a shining example of what bad attitudes are really about, and was about as bad as they come.

Jacqueline, who on the outside, seemed like a clean-cut decent person until she opened her mouth to speak. And this girl wasn't just rude ... she was abusive to everyone around her. 

As if it wasn't bad enough that she was completely unprofessional and had no compassion for anyone around her at work ... she then turned into the flippant, defensive, careless girl, who talked back to the CEO of the company when he tried to explain his grievances with her.  She passionately denied anything he was trying to explain to her as if he was completely off-base. 

Um, earth to Jacqueline ... the whole world saw your irate attitude first-hand on-camera.  There's really nothing to deny, young lady. 

It was as if she simply didn't believe him or didn't care ... maybe both.

In my world, when you've done something to mess up and your boss - let alone the CEO of a major company - tells you something he sees that was in error, you straighten up real quick and show some respect. Instead, Jacqueline did the opposite. 

It was as if she was completely unaware of how she really was.  It seemed as if she was truly shocked that someone would accuse her of bad behavior, while the rest of America was shocked that she was completely unaware of her shortcomings.

You can watch the video, in which Jacqueline gets fired, and see for yourself why I was flabbergasted. All I could think of was ... what kind of environment taught her to be so clueless as to how she was treating others?  If the golden rule applied in her life, did she really want to be treated the way she was barking at others? What kind of standard was she used to, in which she felt like it was okay to treat others so poorly?

Then it hit me that this just may well be what our youth are growing into being... a complete society of self-entitled human beings who think they can act in whatever manner they please and expect to keep a job and have the world handed to them.

I refuse to believe that this young woman is an example of the majority of our youth.  I'd say there are a lot out there that are like this, but I still cling to hope that our youth today are learning respect for themselves and those around them. 

Here's my hope... that this young woman sees herself on this show and realizes how badly she behaved.   hope she gains the ability to become completely aware that her behavior was out of line and strives to show compassion.

I pray she learns respect, as this is what she was lacking... respect for herself and her fellow human beings. Hopefully, she'll come to see that having an entitled attitude will only let her down because living this way will bring her a life of bitter disappointment when things do not go her way. 

Okay... so I'm almost off my soapbox.

Here's my message to the youngin's who align with Jacqueline - learn to show compassion for those around you. Work hard whether you agree with your superiors or not... they got to be where they are for a reason. Look around and try to learn something from them.

Try to grow your relationships by showing respect, because as you give it - you also earn it.

And always try harder to be the best example of you. You won't get very far in life if you expect everything handed to you. You will get far in life by always trying to do what is right.  Doing what is right... for this, you will be rewarded!  


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