Keep the Change

I have a few different Bibles at home, of which I read when I can.  I admit I'm trying to be better and starting a daily reading plan is a high priority.  So, I have one at home on my nightstand, and another on my desk at work.
The one I have at work is my student Bible, from when I was in college, and inside are a few different bookmarks (random pieces of paper).

Today, I took time after my devotions to read these scraps of paper. The one that hit home was a receipt from Walmart, dated May 5th, 1995. It included random items, like shelf paper, sponges, gourmet pans for the kitchen, and laundry baskets.

Immediately, I was taken back in time to where I was stocking up on my new pad, as a fresh college grad, with the grand ideas we all hold that the future is full of potential for our own paths in life.
As my heart swelled with memories that swirled in my mind of who I was in this time in life, I took a deep breath in feeling like I'm nowhere near that person anymore. 
This little receipt made me realize how fast time has flown (although it has not passed me by) and how old I've become. I felt no regret, but so much appreciation for everything I have now.
Typically, this could have been a sad moment but instead, I was filled with awe with the fact that God has brought me so far through life... in many ways.

No, I'm not rich, like I thought I would be by now, because 'hey, after college we should be on the fast track to break that glass ceiling.'  No, I'm not living in an exotic place.  No, I'm not doing what I thought I would be doing. I'm not where I thought I'd be... in many ways.

However, I'm rich with so many amazing things in my life, like my family and their love for me, and the experiences I've had to date. And although I'm still in Oklahoma, I wouldn't live anywhere else. God has me right where He'd planned all along and it's nice to know that a simple little receipt from 1995 could show me that. I'll keep the change, please.


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