Never know what you're gonna get...

These days my son, the cerebral five-year-old is so analytical and ponderous on a variety of subjects. So much so that I an anticipating every word...

Even yesterday, as we were folding laundry, he told me it was his job to put every item up. He asked me not to touch any items after I folded them (he was trying to earn playing the Wii).

When he was making his multiple trips from the stacks I had folded, to gather and attempt his duties, he stopped when he grabbed my underwear. He looked at them, turned to me, and curiously said, "Mom...why do you wear such little underpants for your big bottom?" what do you say to that? So I answered the only way I knew how.

"Weeellll... I don't want big underpants to poke out the pants I wear, so I try to make sure everything fits."

It seemed to satisfy his curiosity for the moment. I'm just glad I didn't have any thongs in that stack of underwear. No telling how the conversation could have turned.

On that note, here's a funny video for you thong wearers and lovers...


heh heh - maybe mama needs to watch this - I Ain't tellin !!
Rebecca said…
Anonymous said…
kids always say the darndest things. it is the honest truth!

I am Harriet said…
Great post. Thanks
Opus #6 said…
That video was SO hilarious!!!! LOLOL!!!!!!
Misty said…
Oh gosh! That is CLASSIC!!
Annette Piper said…
Not terribly sensitive to our feelings are they LOL. Mine often drop such statements and well, enough already! ;)
Oh my gosh! Your son is so funny. It's really hilarious how kids just say whatever is on their minds. Hopefully he doesn't go to school and retell this conversation to the teacher, she won't be able to stop laughing!
Bad Momma said…
Too funny! That's why I keep my laundry separate from the boys.
Anonymous said…
""Mom...why do you wear such little underpants for your big bottom?"

Oh now that's precious.
Anonymous said…
hahahhaha Very funny!
Joanna said…
Kids never fail to make me laugh!
SabrinaT said…
OH MY GOSH!! Can I put this on my blog PLEASE! I laughed so hard I cried..(wearin my thong)....
WeaselMomma said…
I think you missed the implication that your 4 year old said you have a big butt! That's was hysterical and so was the video.
Shelvicious said…
Kids are so funny!
Shelvicious said…
Kids are so funny!
Anonymous said…
Kids are always like that, I love the way they do their stuff!

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