It's called a S-T-O-P sign for a reason people!

You guessed it. That's my poor little Passat up there smashed in. At 3:30 CST a 20-year-old kid, driving an O'rielly's Auto Parts truck, wasn't smart enough to read those red octagonal signs that instruct you to stop. Wait let me say that louder, STOP!

Today I was hit by a kid who couldn't read or follow basic traffic law. I'm drained and I want to go to sleep. I'm sure it's all the adrenaline that's now left my system, which is leaving me feeling so tired.

The thing that amazed me was how cavalier this kid was. He could have cared less than he hit me. He made it seem like it was my fault that he pulled out from a stop sign and ran into the side of my car. How stupid does he think the police officer was? There was no damage to the front of my car, so when he said, "She came out of nowhere!" it wasn't a likely story. Especially when it was clear he had run into my passenger door and scraped up the side of my car.

My husband, my white knight in shining armor, which was a gunmetal grey VW, rode to my assistance. The huge blessings I received today:

**That young 'could care less' kid drove away with a huge fat ticket! Cha-ching!

**My dealership gave me a loaner for a couple of days till I get my rental.

**My back is hurt...but nothing is broken.

**I got some quality one on one time with my hubby. We ate Mexican food until the tow truck picked up my poor Passat, and I drank a margarita that tasted like Lysol. (Yes it was a little hole in the wall, but it was a date with my husband and I enjoyed every minute of it....even if I drank Lysol sip by sip.)


Anonymous said…
I am happy to hear that you are alright.. what a schmuck that kid was...!!

But your hubby had the right idea with the silver lining of the day!! :)
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry about your car but glad you weren't seriously hurt. And it never fails to amaze me how you find the blessings even if the worst of circumstances.
Kimberly McKay said…
Your right DH was my silver lining. We never get quality time so if it took a car be it.

Terri, thanks for the sweet comment. It's really not that hard to see the good stuff when you start practicing becomes second nature. Trust me there are days when I have to make a point of it, b/c I don't wanna... but we all have those days.
Tam said…
Geeze girl! I hope your back is fine in the morning. You know I'll be lifting you in prayer!

Lysol? My husbands favorite Chinese restaurant in town smells like lysol. I only agree to go there if my nose is stuffed up. But their Margaritas don't taste like it =o

Off topic!

Praise God you and the kid are Okay! Hopefully he will have learned a lesson after he thinks about it and goes through the consequences...hopefully ;-)
Kimberly McKay said…
I'm stiff and it's got that catching pain. You know the kind where you turn funny and it catches with a jab of pain. Thanks for the prayer my friend. We'll need it. We'll have to shell out money for the deductable, which we don't have. Then there's the rental insurance, which is good but won't last who knows when I'll have to start paying for my own rental. Yikes! I know God will provide!
Meg said…
Thank goodness you are ok! Hang in there, God will smile on you!
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks Meg. I'm so glad you stopped by.
I'm sorry you're going through this. Car accidents stink. :-P

I doubt the Lysol-rita was very tasty either.

Hang in there. :-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog tonight! Maybe we will "bump" into each other some day!:o) Just check at those 4 way corners, I may be at a stop sign! Hope and pray you will be fine.
Anonymous said…
but of course it WAS your fault for being out on the road in the midst of his world! don't you know???? ;)

(Senora Patron - drinkin' and buzzin' on a Friday nite.)

P.S. hopefully, besides your temper, i hope you didn't get hurt!
Kimberly McKay said…
Papa, thanks for stopping by (no pun intended) :) I only wish it was at a four way stop was a main thorough-fare where I was on a major highway in my lane of traffic and he was at a stop sign trying to enter. I don't this he quite got that you have to stop to all traffic and then turn onto the street when no cars are coming!

Dkaye...LOL...cute! My temper subsided pretty quickly. I probably sounded madder in the post than I really was. I was actually just dumb founded at his complete lack of awareness or caring.
Anonymous said…
No fun! At least you were ok.. and you got some good time with hubby.. I cherish those times, and you sound so much like I feel all the time in regards to that time. Hope you feel better (your back) soon!

Madaise (Judi) - Blog Hopper
ShannanB said…
Glad you are ok and totally envious of the date you got with your hubby. Young kids need to buck up!

Anastasia Beaverhousin
Kimberly McKay said…
Yeah, all in all it was a great day just b/c I got some alone time with him. We don't get that with our schedules. He works like alllll the time.
SO glad YOU are okay. Sorry about your car though. Kids are dangerous at that age. Seriously. They are old enough to do all these things but at an age where they really don't care about the consequences
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you're ok! Have you had your back checked out? Be careful with that!

I can't believe that kid wasn't shaken up at all! Leads me to believe this wasn't his first accident! Jerk!

I'd have drank the Lysol too! A date with hubby is priceless! :-)
Momo Fali said…
I'm so glad that you are okay! And, I'm so happy that you found blessings in this situation!!
Rachel said…
Poor you. It's amazing how absolutely apathetic some of the 'younger' generation are now. It's downright appalling even.
I'm glad you're okay.
I think I've been to that hole in the wall before :-)
Kimberly McKay said…
Yes! That's the only that upset me was that he didn't even walk over to apologize or see if I was okay. He just flat out didn't care. BUT like most of you said...that's the younger generation for you.

We all must promise NOT to raise apathetic kids!
Sarabeth said…
Yuck, and I hope your back gets unhurt.

Blog hopping--HP
Anonymous said…
Hope your back is feeling better!

Happy Saturday! Blog Hoppin'! :-)
"Margarita Mom"
April said…
I see a politician in the making in that guy. He's got that whole, 'as long as I'm indignant, I must be right' thing going for him!
The Mexican food - and even the Lysol - sound like a great way to recover!
Blog Hoppin',
Balancing Hops
Unknown said…
Sorry to hear about the smash up!.Silly kid was grasping at his, "stupid women driver", straws and lost it..haha.

The aftermath sounded great...Mexican and a margarita...very nice :)

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog and for the blogroll add!
Rebecca said…
I'm glad your accident was nothing serious & hope that everything is covered by the careless kid's insurance, or the company he works for - either way. I love how you can look at the brighter side of things and be glad for the lunch date with hubby. :)
Glad to hear that you are fine... I hate driving... the crazy people... right now we have a ton of snowbirds from up North and they are driving 35 in a 45 zone or just pulling out in front of you like they own the roads... people honk at me cause I do the speed limit or if anything a few over and I am not speeding down the hill... I will slow down and make a bigger space between me and the front car when they are driving like they got their license out of a cereal box... I want to live... glad to hear all is fine... at least your wonderful hubby got you some Mexican... take care
Amy said…
Oh man, that sucks!! These kids just think they are invincible and accept no responsibility whatsoever. Really gets my goat!
Glad you're okay!
Anonymous said…
sorry about the car. glad you weren't least you had a nice date out of that terrible experience.
Dallas Meow said…
aw you just stopped in on the day they washed the glasses ;)

.....[I tried commenting through cre8
buzz, but my dang computer won't let me.]

Happy Tuesday!
Ane said…
What a little punk! Glad to hear that you are doing fine though! I've been rear ended before and my back is still messed up from that accident, the girl had just started driving. Well, hope you have a better week!
Joeprah said…
Just glad you are ok. Yikes!

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