Sweet Moments

At the age of 5, my son has continued to surprise me. He's so wise and silly at the same time. While peering into my eyes to tell me he loves my beautiful brown eyes, he pops off about a new wrinkle he found around them. Talk about a back-handed compliment.

This week has been a doozy as far as his little personality and how it's developing. You can read here about his girlfriend situation. Since then, he's proposed to yet another cute young thing on his soccer team.

You can see how he chased and chased her. I was standing with her father, waiting for the game to start, and the next thing we heard was my son asking for this little girl's hand in marriage.

It was too windy to hear her response, but I figure she didn't mind too much. Her dad said she punched the last little boy who asked her. My son is quite the playah. He went in one breathe from asking her to waving to the second girl of his dreams on the opposing team, leaving his new fiance in the dust.

Can anyone say girl crazy? What am I going to do in his teens??

Last night, topped it all though. We were at a pot-luck dinner for our church volunteers. A friend and I were talking about his healthy eating habits, and he busted out with, "And I haven't even had a sip of alcohol today!"

Her eye's bulged, and she started cracking up. He then continued with, "Not even in my whole life."

I had to explain that I wasn't a bad parent and how he heard of drinking alcohol in the first place. You can read up on that here. My son's little comment was the talk of the party. Everyone loved knowing that he wasn't an alcoholic. Yay, mom!


wfbdoglover said…
When my son was in K5 he came home one day and said "MOM, Guess who I'm going to marry?", I said WHO?
He said. Mara Bernice (then last name) Really proudly like! It was hysterical. He liked her for two years!
Anonymous said…
well children really grow fast
Anonymous said…
"Can anyone say girl crazy at five? What am I going to do in his teens?"

Hang On Tight!!!

my boy is 12...and its freeking me out!
Kimberly McKay said…
Great I am looking at my future in you all. Girl Crazy kids! Ahhh!
terri said…
My son loved the same girl from Kindergarten through 6th grade. I think the basis of his love was the fact that she was born on the same day in the same hospital and she was very petite. He used to always be the short kid. Then he got tall and his love for her faded. Kids.

You are in trouble with yours, LOL! He's adorable!
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks Terri. I think so, but I'm way biased. He's a love.
Anonymous said…
That's so sweet. All the girls want to marry Jason. Thankfully he has already been engaged since the age of 18 MONTHS.
Char said…
Don't worry - the "cooties" stage is next. And it could be a long time before he takes a girl seriously.
Kimberly McKay said…
18 months...Go Jason you little stud.

Char, every day amazes me with what I'm learning through him. Cooties huh? Caaan't wait.
~Christy said…
HAHA you must be so proud that your 5 year old is not an alcoholic!

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