Feelin' good

So most of you that read my daily blessings site know that I'm a fan of counting my blessings...hence my button on my site here reminding everyone to do so. It also clicks through to my site by the way.

Any way...I was talking to my blog pal Terri via cell yesterday. I call on her and Tam from time to time just to see how they're doing.

We usually check in from time to time to catch up with one another. Yesterday I was finally at a point where I could share a huge huge praise. Lately, God has been abundantly blessing my family and it just feels good to bask in it. I'll post my good news on Friday at Daily Blessings.

I try to find good things in every situation, but it's nice for once to not have to look to find them. They're finding me! Thank you, Lord. A few of the little things this week that have been uplifting:

Yesterday was my son's last day of Pre-K. I walked him in as my mom videotaped us. He kept smiling and saying, "After today I'm gonna be a Kindergartener."

Tonight, I'm going to the gym, that my hubby and I just joined, to see my new trainer, who I have three appointments with. I couldn't afford any more time with a trainer than that, but that's okay. The place we joined is so amazing. It reminds me of an athletic club my parents joined when I was a kid when we lived in Montgomery. It's very family-oriented with something for everyone.

The weather is amazing today as well...plus my boss is out of town until Tuesday. What's not to love??


Anonymous said…
I'm so happy that things are finally moving in a more positive direction for you and your family. Thank you for calling and checking in with me. It always lifts my spirits to see your name show up on the caller ID!

P.S. Finding you and being able to call you my friend is one of my life's biggest blessings!
Unknown said…
Ya know, now that I think of it, the 5 year mark was pretty rotten. hmmmm... And it's been so long i don't remember what i did. Hmph. Good luck with that one ;-)

I love good news and blessing breaks! You were due!!!

Love you!
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks ladies. Love to both of you!
Anonymous said…
"Now...if anyone can give me any pointers on how to handle a sass mouthed five year old my world would be golden!"

Yeah. well. I wish I could help...but I am trying to figure out how to handle a sass mouthed TWELVE year old!!

Glad G-D has been good to you lately.
Anonymous said…
Oh, I need that, too. My 5-year old is so bad w/ the fresh, arguing mouth that sometimes I just want to cry. Ok, sometimes I do, admittedly.

If you find out please, I beg of you, share.
Anonymous said…
Hmmm... a sassy five year old - grab the closest bottle of liquor and run to the closet. Ok, so not the most appropriate, but it will work :)

Duct tape. ;-)
Kimberly McKay said…
Liquor and duct tape...LOL! I see I'm in good company :0
Lately he's been so good. He just waits till I have little patience to be 'that' kid, and then that's when I feel like pulling my hair out. I think I'll bribe him with cookies...will that work??
Anonymous said…
I am so happy for you that things are going well. Woo hoo!

About the sassy five yr old...gosh I don't know. It often moves in phases, doesn't it? Maybe it's just a matter of time.

Meg said…
Kim, I am so happy things are going well! So sorry I haven't been more in touch, I will call you next week!

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