rat a tat tat

My son and I were watching a little TV tonight when my husband came home with a surprise for him. He had stopped by to get himself a new pair of drumsticks for his band and bought my son his own kid-sized pair.

Currently, they're both in the living room and all I hear is rat tap tap tap....bang bang bang. My husband is teaching my son how to keep a beat in succession of different drum rolls. I'm pretty impressed with how awesome my son is doing.

Two weeks ago after my husband was cleaning up the stage, after he and his group were done playing, my little boy ran up to him to check out his drum set. I turned to talk to some friends and the next thing I heard was a very cool drum set. I thought my husband was teaching my son a little about the drums, by doing a drum roll. I turned to watch, and it was my little boy on the drums...making his own sounds! Wow! Were we all surprised to watch my little one up there putting his own beats down, sounding like a real drummer.

Now he's in the living room, refusing to get ready for bed because QUOTE "I'm playing till midnight after everyone goes to sleep!"

Great...I have a teenager on my hands already!

Good night all!


Anonymous said…
Aww! That is too cute! Hope you get a little sleep in between sets tonight : )
Kimberly McKay said…
I think he was so excited about getting his own sticks...because he didn't sleep a wink last night! Aaaagh! That means mommy doesn't either.

New house rule: If you don't sleep through the night, you don't get to practice drums!!!
Rebecca said…
My son loves the drums too. When my parents gave him a drum set he slept with the drumsticks. It is so much fun!
Tam said…
when my kiddos expressed a passion for their instruments it was the one thing we, my husband and I, were totally relaxed on. Being musical ourselves we were so grateful they had found their own interests here too. I can now listen to them play endlessly. It blesses the socks of of us!

So...all that to say - I think it is awesome your son is so into it! It must make his drummer daddy pretty proud too!
Annette Lyon said…
What a great memory for both you and your son. (Good luck getting any sleep with that racket, though . . .)

Love your profile. You summed up how I feel about my life as well--without my faith in Christ, I wouldn't have the family and other blessings I enjoy every day.
Anonymous said…
Oooooh.... you're in TROUBLE! LOL. How cute!
Anonymous said…
That's how it started with my now sixteen year old. A pair of drumstix, rat-a-tat-tat, then one single drum, then the set and suddenly I have a band here (My hubby and sons). They do make a racket, but I enjoy every minute!
Motherwise said…
I find this pretty weird but my sixteen-year-old is also a drummer. He began banging when still in the high chair and has had a band for two years now. I actually like listening to them practice - they aren't half bad.

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