My Son's Wife

If any of you read my blog about my son's little girlfriend, you'll remember how replaced I felt. It was so sweet seeing him adore this beautiful little girl. I felt I was doing a good job teaching how to treat a lady. He's affectionate and funny...a great catch if I don't say so myself.

Well, he's four and a half. Up until now he's at least always said that he wanted to marry 'Mommy' when he got older. I knew that would change someday, but I didn't know it would come so soon.

After getting home from Pump It Up last night, he couldn't stop talking about his little girlfriend. They even held hands when they'd go from one room to the next. Sickening...I tell you!

Last night, he told me point-blank: Toni's gonna be my wife someday, Mom!

...not Mommy...MOM...and very matter of fact too.

I said, "She is huh? She's awfully pretty."

He said, "Yeah, and she's got room in her heart for Jesus!"

Ahhh...that was the sweetest thing he could have ever said. I told him, "Just remember. That's the most important thing to look for when taking a wife."

He said, "Yeah mom...I'll remember."

I'm a blessed girl! I pray every day that these are lessons he'll remember.


Mahala said…
I remember my daughter's first boyfriend. She was around five I think. She saw him walking down the sidewalk and yelled, "Hey! You can be my boyfwend!" And he was lol.
Rebecca said…
Aw, how sweet! I hope he remembers these lessons too. I'm sure he will.
Mark said…
What and permeatingly endearing story! I’m glad I came across your blog again. Reading this has certainly cheered me up a bit!

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