In the Electronic Age

How many of us are so attached to our phones or our games that we would have a sense of anxiety without them?  Studies show iPhone anxiety is a real condition, and, trust me, most of us feel it on some level every day.

How many times do you wander the house when you can't remember where you put your phone? How about when your phone slips between the seats of your car?  It's a mini-panic attack in the making.

Imagine this times a thousand if for some reason we lost access to power.  How would your world change?  How would medicine get sent to the pharmacy in a timely manner?  If computers were a thing of the past, how would we stay connected or get our jobs done?  It gives me chills to think of how our lives would change.

Well,  a very smart group of people decided to write, produce, and make a series about this very thing with 'Our Daily Bread'.

The show highlights two segments of groups - Millennials, whose concern is solely for themselves and the entertainment-driven world they live in, and a bunch of loveable preppers, who realize the world we live in is moving too fast for anyone's good and are trying to prepare for the worst.

The series opens on seven millennial women who are fixated on the electronics in their lives to either aid them with their downtime or their careers, which happens to be producing a television cooking show.  Due to the result of a sun-flare, which comes a bit too close to the earth, all power, including the batteries in the cars, are affected.  Everything shuts down in an instant and all lives change forever.

The goal is no longer instant gratification.  The focus in finding food, fighting for survival, and rebuilding their community/civilization in a new world.

This series premieres THIS WEEK and it looks to be one that everyone will connect with.

Take some time to watch it with your family.  Let it start discussions.  Put away your electronics ... okay, not the television ...but all handheld or desktop personal devices and use this show as a tool to open discussion.

Check out the trailer here and stay tuned!


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