Shark Bait

Every time I see a video like this one below, I'm reminded about the time my husband was asked to do a live on-air remote in a tank full of nurse sharks.

As this was early in our marriage (prior to having kids), I was a bit more carefree.  Instead of hesitating at all, we were like, 'heck yeah!'

If he'd been asked to do this today (after having kids which makes any momma more concerned for safety), I would have done a little more homework before letting him get into a tank full of sharks.

Unknowingly, the night before his escapade, I fed him a huge crab dinner in honor of his big adventure the next day. Apparently - seafood seeps out of your pores for a couple of days so getting in the water with sharks is PROBABLY NOT a good idea.

Those nurse sharks were so aggressive that I could hear my husband screaming underwater, as they banged against the cage trying to get at him.  The fact that it wasn't a steel or metal cage didn't help him feel very secure.  It was made of PVC pipe - oh and on top of that - the cage didn't even have four sides.  It had three sides and was held against a flat surface from above by two men on either side of it.

So here he is reeking like crab, in an insecure cage that really wasn't a cage.  Yeah, this was quite possibly the most dangerous scenario.  The team members who were holding the cage flush to the wall below were getting a bit nervous for him.  They said it was the most aggressive they'd had ever seen the sharks behave. 

Yeah, that's because the sharks that were circling the death trap thought my husband was bait!!!

So FYI people - if you're ever thinking about doing the deep dive - DO NOT eat anything that lives in the sea or the sharks will think you're their next meal.

To my wonderful husband - I post this in honor of you. I'm so glad you've survived through all our escapades. I love you, babe.


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