When Readers Talk Back

From time to time, someone will leave a review stating what they didn't like about my books.  Hey, it happens.  No one is going to like the same thing all the time.  

And even when I get a review that is less than stellar, I'm still honored that someone has taken time to leave their opinion, as that is just what it is.

Recently, I got a review saying there were typos in one on my books, which happens.  Unfortunately, not every proofreader will catch everything. Even James Patterson will have a typo or two. What I found hilarious is that when this person left her comment on my book - she had a typo in her review.

The last sentence in her review read like this: 

I will not be reading the remainder, nor will I bother will the follow-up. 

Hmmm - is it just me or shouldn't that read - 'nor will I bother WITH the follow-up?

Comments like this make my day.  Not just because they help me get better, but because it's humbling.  Those that choose the author path and actually write often get harsh critique from those that really want to - but don't follow their dream. The phrase arm-chair quarterback comes to mind.  It reminds me to always be understanding and never criticize others, as we don't always know the full story.

For example -  the version she was talking about did have quite a few errors, as my computer crashed and the wrong version was uploaded.  Since I changed computers midstream it left me with a formatting nightmare.  Even after an editor had finalized through the original, the new version on the new computer had a ton of random characters kept popping up within the manuscript. We didn't catch it all obviously, so I was happy to receive this review so I could fix the last few issues.

All-day I've chuckled over her review though. If you're going to review something that talks about typos, make sure your words are not misspelled or phrased incorrectly.

SECONDLY - I got an amazing review today - which happened to be in the same book.  From time to time, I'll receive feedback that Christians have issues about my talking about sex.  

(WARNING! Side note and soapbox coming up) Well,  I believe Christians are sinners, and we're saved by God's grace. We're NOT going to be white as the driven snow, and if you think Christians should be you're kidding yourself.  

HOWEVER, I believe by accepting Jesus - that God gives us the strength and desire to be more like Him when we're searching for His influence in our lives. We're not all going to be there out of the gate and even when we do finally reach that point -  we're going to fall and stumble.  

Why?  Because we sin.  It's human nature.  Even if we don't want to - we're going to mess up.

SO, I write about characters that struggle with real life issues.  My characters, to date, have never done the deed. In fact, they've chosen the right path with abstaining from their desire for the right reasons. THIS IS A GOOD MESSAGE!  

If anything, I'm the anti-50 shades of grey, but there are some that see it differently. And that's okay. They have a right to their opinions, just as those who misspell their reviews do can't get past a couple typos (which are fixed now by the way).

However, today I got another review that not only stated her love of my books, but it started with a line of defense speaking to those who have commented on such things in the past.

To whomever you are ... thank you for talking back and bringing me an exciting afternoon!


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