Saving Grace - Coming Soon!

In just a few weeks, I'll release one of my favorite books to date. When I started writing, I didn't set out to write a series.  I started with just one book, Finding Kylie, a contemporary romance and family saga about two women and their journey through past and present to learn about love and becoming survivors.  I left the ending somewhat open, while still having closure for the main character.

I could have left it alone after Finding Kylie, but the story was so endearing to readers - that I got email after email asking 'what happens next?'.  Hence, the sequel, Facing Redemption was born, but it didn't happen overnight.  To tell the other side of the story, I had to put myself into some shoes that weren't savory and to do that it meant I had to learn to fully forgive.  You see ... these two books are very personal to me for very real reasons.  Read the forward of Facing Redemption and you'll know why.

Once I was ready to move forward in my personal journey - I wrote with heart the way I felt God led me to do.  In this book, a supporting character ... a best friend, was fleshed out and given enough back story that her story was begging to be told.  And so Coming Home was born.

Initially, Coming Home was about two sisters and their journey back to one another.  However, when done the book was over 562 pages!  It was way way too long.  So I split it into two stories to give each sassy sister their own story.  This sister book, and my fourth novel, is now ready to release in Saving Grace.

I wanted to publish the review for the inside cover here to give you a glimpse of what is to come.  So here you are, courtesy of a very talented writer, Terri. 

"Kimberly McKay has truly come into her own as an author with Saving Grace. This book holds just the right balance of suspense and romance, along with a bit of humor and a sprinkling of Kim's unshakable faith in God. The characters are a beautiful blend of human frailty and strength, and I love the way the story emphasizes that no matter who we are, no matter our position or circumstances in this world, the one thing we all want in this life is stability and love."

                       -   Terri Meis, blogger



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