What Makes You Smile?

This week has been a crazy roller coaster on many levels, but you all know that I choose to focus on the good in life to shine through the chaos that can quickly cover us with a blanket of anxiety.  

So here are a few things that made me smile this week:
  • So proud of my husband!  Saturday night, he went to his little man cave.  It's more of a 'man-cubicle'.  Anyways, he started to his sanctuary to get his runners bib, to lay out all his gear in preparation for the Memorial Marathon the next morning. He came out of his room with a giggle, and a surprised look as he had thought he'd be doing a 5K until he noticed his running bib showed otherwise. Nope! He had been signed up through his work for the 1/2 Marathon. So ... with no training or jogging to ramp up, leading up to his supposed 5K turned 1/2 Marathon - he nodded his head with determination and said, "I'm just going to see how far I can go. I'll take it one mile at a time."  And you know what???  He ran the whole thing like a rockstar - and finished the race.  

  • Today, I was blessed to meet up with my Wednesday morning carpool moms for our weekly coffee date.  We're a mix of cultures, backgrounds, and circumstances.  The group is a mix of cancer survivors and fighters, stay at home moms, military wives, immigrants who found their American dream, and me - the mutt or the gypsy of the group.  I love how we lift each other up, listen to one another's trials and triumphs, and more importantly ... just show up.  In so many ways - this is a huge accomplishment - especially in today's world, which is full of self-centeredness. These ladies are an amazing group, with so much to contribute to the world around them and I'm so lucky to have them in my life.

So ... I'd love to know what good things have happened in your world this week?  


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