Kick This Idea Onto Others

Some of you may have heard of Kickstarter, a social media platform that helps people raise funds, but have you heard of 'Kick Your Idea'?

It's a social media platform design to boost awareness, without any funds required. Did you hear that? It's FREE!

Many of you have emailed me telling me that my characters have given you hope... that they've made you aware of things you'd long forgotten... and even motivated you to do things you'd not done in a while, like go back to Church or buy your kids a Bible. This is because I write about characters who make you feel.

Today, I invite you (for the next 7 days) to help support the characters you love so much by allowing others a glimpse into their world. Allow others to put themselves in the shoes of my characters, by spreading the awareness of my books.

All you have to do is go to this page - here - where a pop-up window will appear. It will say, 'Support This Campaign For A Chance To Win One Of Five $1,000 Amazon Gift Cards', and will give you four social media options to choose from, with how you want to support me.

Simply click one (or all of them) .. and I get boosted. Once it reaches 100 supporters, they will have given me access to 100,000+ people. That means more eyeballs on the opportunity to get hooked on Chastity's journey, Timothy's tumble headfirst into a love that will last a lifetime, and Anne's adventure on her trip into the reality of what means in her life.

Hey guys ... it's not rocket science. It's simple, easy, and FREE ... it's just about spreading the word. If you've got a few minutes ... please click the link above and help a sister out.

Thank you so much. Have a great day!!!


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