Thank You and Happy New Year

Every year seems to fly by at an alarmingly increasing rate. I know they say time flies but seriously wasn't it just December 2013?  There have been a lot of ups and downs in this last year, as I'm sure it was the same with most of us, but overall I consider myself truly blessed.

As this year passes in just a few hours, I want to express my thanks to those of you, who supported me with such sweet words and acts of support, with your emails and purchases of all three of my books.  As I look back to count my blessings from this year, I include my family and my friends, whom I include my readers.

In the coming year, I wish you nothing but peace as you forge forward into a new year.  


FINALLY! I got a copy of Finding Kylie that I have been waiting forever, it seems, to read. Kimberly, I have to say, "You NEED to get a proof reader, and I'd be happy to be her"... with so many writing errors and I'm only on page 37 (2nd edition). I know I'm going to love the story, because I identify so much with Chastity, finding out in the summer between grades 5 and 6 that the dad who was raising us, was not our biological one.
Kimberly McKay said…
Actually - I had one. The wrong version got uploaded. I took it down and had them upload the correct version. I'm so glad you're reading it - you made me smile tonight. Unfortunately mistakes happen and as I was releasing Coming Home, at the same time the 2nd printing came out for Finding Kylie, my focus was solely on Coming Home. Thankfully the correct version is up now. I'm curious - when when did you order it?
My friend in Ontario sent me Finding Kylie as a Christmas as gift to me.
Kimberly McKay said…
Thank you. I would hope that the correct version is what printed but it seems I need to double check that since you recently acquired one that still needs checking. I'm happy to replace your gift if needed. I'm sorry.

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