Reviews Make Me Smile

From time to time, I'll get onto Amazon or Goodreads and see that more people have left me a review for one of my books.  And no matter if its a 5-star or a 1-star review, I smile.  Even the bad reviews (although I'd rather they be good ones) mean someone was moved enough to take the time to review.

And in all honesty - no one is going to get 5-star reviews one-hundred percent of the time.  Look at every President or public figure in the world, do they have a one-hundred percent satisfaction rate?  No!  So, why would a little author like me?

This week, I've seen some really sweet reviews come in though.  They've been the kind that makes your heart warm. So for those of you out there, who have been kind enough to leave such heartwarming words ... THANK YOU!

Here is one, for FACING REDEMPTION, that particularly made my day:

From time to time, I'll post a favorite or two here.  So if you've ever enjoyed my books.  Leave a review... maybe I'll pick yours to share.

Have a great day and make time to read once in a while.  :)  We, authors, thank you.


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