Reading is FUN

Last month, a close friend asked me to talk to her eighth grade lit students on the basics of getting published.  I was honored and happy to get the chance to inspire young minds.

I expected a few crazy kids, as not everyone is thrilled to talk about books or writing them.  However, I was pleasantly surprised to find quite a few that were genuinely excited to be a part of the guest lecture.

There were a few aspiring writers in each class, and there was enough class participation to create an exciting experience for all.

The thing I loved most was the thoughtful questions.  I expected the basics, like ... how do you come up with ideas to write ... what made you want to be a writer ... etc.

These kids were insightful and asked things like, 'After editing how much came out of your original story?' 
'How long did it take you to finish each book?' 
'How did you come up with cover concepts?' 

These were deep and thoughtful kids (for the most part - there were a few pranksters... but they were fun too.).

I think the most significant pay off of all was an email I received from the teacher, a few days after my guest lecture.

She contacted me to let me know that one of her kids ordered my book, and he was so happy to be reading it.  She said this was 'the kid' that she'd been waiting for to be excited about anything ... all year.  And in the last week of 8th grade, he finally had that moment.  For her, that was a great moment.

That was a remarkable moment to read her email.  Giving someone joy about reading ... that's what it is all about.

And a quick selfie, taken at the end of the day.  These kids rock!!


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