New Books to Release This Year

It's interesting to see a story evolve and characters grow, as one writes a book.  In writing my third book, Coming Home, I have grown leaps and bounds as an author.  I've been stretched and refined, which I think will result in wonderful things for this book.

Initially, my intent was to weave a great storyline around Anne La Sal, a character from my first two books, Finding Kylie & Facing Redemption.  In both books, she is the ever-supportive best friend who is developed more in Facing Redemption to garner the character to withstand her own story.

Coming Home was originally going to be a dual storyline about Anne and her estranged sister Grace, however, I started to fall in love with Grace's character so much that I decided to give her own story with Saving Grace. These four books are the Forgiveness Series.

That being said I've got two books releasing this year... Coming Home & Saving Grace. They will release at the time so that readers do not have to wait to finish their family saga.

So far, within my trusted circle, I've let three different persons read Coming Home for character content and flow. Each one has given me some great feedback, some constructive ...some just glowing reviews.  The end result is the same though ... all three people have said that Coming Home is the best book I've written yet.

I'm very excited to see how my readers respond and will keep you all up to date. Thanks for following me here, on this journey.  I'll let you know any updates as soon as I have them.

Thank you and have a great week!!!


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