One Amazing Lady

In life, there are people that God brings into your life, who change you forever.  My best friend, Susan, is one of those people.

Our sons are the same age.
Our husbands are very much alike.
Our personalities and sense of humor align almost 99% of the time.

She is someone that I couldn't imagine not having in my life.

In September, she was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive form of Leiomyosarcoma, which typically doesn't respond to radiation or chemo.

Doctors didn't give her a good prognosis, as she was stage 4 and it is a very rare and aggressive kind of cancer.  However, from day 1 she told all, who would listen, "My God is my healer.  And I'm in His hands."

Throughout her journey, she's touched so many lives in being transparent with her journey.  Her cancer journal is here on FaceBook.

And I'm happy to say that true to form, she has been seeing miraculous results through her treatments.  Her tumors, from the first CT scans, have shown to have decreased dramatically.  Her latest CT showed there to be no change since the last one.  These are great results! 

Her next step is to go to NY to see a specialist about surgery to remove the tumors.

God has been sustaining her along the way, with amazing results and support.  She's the first to say she's the one who has been blessed by the outpouring of love she's received.  However, I'm here to tell you that I'm blessed every day by her as she never complains.  She's always upbeat and always has a smile.  She's a ray of light in this world.

God is working big things through her.  As I write this, she and her family struggle with the next step in their treatment ... on what to do or not do.  So please pray for my friend, Susan, who is beating the odds of very deadly and rare cancer.

Lift her up and pray for continued healing and wisdom.  Thanks to all of you who read this and will follow through with keeping her in your prayers. 

Here is a pic of me and my favorite friend in the whole wide world, Susan.  She's on the right, with her amazing smile, at one of her favorite past times ... Thunder Basketball.  How cool would it be if one of the Thunder players were to see this and reach out?  It would be the biggest blessing! 


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