Life's Ups and Downs

I've not been posting a lot - as a lot has been going on that has kept me from the computer. And to be quite honest, my computer isn't really up to date, so I use my phone a lot more than my keyboard. With iPhones auto-type issues ... let's just say I'm not completely comfortable letting my fingers type a blog from my phone.

Since I had a few minutes today, I wanted to share something that I hope will evoke something meaningful for you. Recently, a few doors have been closed on me ... doors I've been knocking on for a while and a few new ones. But to top it all off, a large project I've been working on is just taking a lot longer than I'd hoped for. Every time I think we're moving forward, we've taken two steps back.

And, it's left me feeling like ... well, Ummm - like that live-in girlfriend, who wants to get married, but is told 'why marry when you get the milk for free?'

I'm choosing to review the times when I was at my lowest, through some dark times in college. At one point in my younger life, I was at a very low point.

This is when God stayed after me, encouraging me to let go and allow myself to be weak enough for Him to carry. It was then when I felt the strength of His love and tenderness of His mercy. So now, as I'm facing something that some might feel is very stressful - His peace and strength are what I cling to.

What could be considered a trial is already a triumph for me, as I'm looking forward to seeing what He's going to do in my life at this transitional time. I know that His plans are perfect, and if a door is closed - then it wasn't meant to be. I just have to keep on knocking on new ones and wait for Him to guide me to the right one.

Today, I encourage you to never give up. Never be afraid to go after what you want. However, keep Him in the center of it. So as you go through the roller coaster of your path - you'll have something solid to stand on.


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