Facing Redempton best seller in Kindle store

Now granted it's a best seller in the free program right now - but giving away something for free isn't overrated. Crack dealers do it all the time. And, word will spread and they will come ...

But in two short days, out of thousands of books, my humble little book has shot up to #7 in Women's Fiction, #10 in Christian Fiction, and from #400 to #135 overall in books.  So, I'm doing my happy dance.

If you're a kindle prime user - go be one of the thousands that have downloaded it this week!  Here's a link for your convenience.


Tara R. said…
Doing a happy dance with you. Now, I'm just waiting for the movie to come out.
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks Tara! You and me both. It's a long process from the completion to a screenplay to the final sale. We're halfway through the funnel now ... we're doing a hard read in London with an acting group very soon. Every time we pin down a date - it gets moved. I'm skyping in of course...can't afford to fly over there. But one of these days ... :) I'll keep you posted.
Anonymous said…
I was one of your free down loaders . I loved the book. I didn't want t to end.
Kimberly McKay said…
Thank you so much for downloading it durind that promotion. I appreciate you giving me your feedback so much. Spread the word! :)

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