
Showing posts from September, 2012

After the luanch ...

The launch was an amazing experience. Pardon me for not blogging sooner. I think I'm still recovering. It was a non-stop stream of people coming through the door from 5:30 p.m. to about 9:30 p.m.  At one point the line was out the door. I just couldn't believe that people were driving in from Texas, St. Louis and where ever else... I want to send a big thank you to all of you, who drove in from near and far to support. I am so blessed by each one of you. I hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as I did. I loved hearing how much you loved the story lines and characters. I loved how much you were invested in me and my characters. I also needed to post the above picture. How many launch parties have the cover model on hand? Mine did! He was there to take pics with the ladies and was very kind to stay the whole time. I'm surrounded by amazing support from the readers to those, who played their part to make this book happen (including the cover model). I...

OKC Channel 4 Interview with Kimberly McKay

Source: via Kimberly on Pinterest This morning I got up at 4:20 a.m. and dragged my hiney out of bed to get ready for my 6 a.m. interview with Miss Ali , a very talented news anchor for KFOR News. You can reach the interview by clicking the picture above, which will take you to my Pinterest ... which then links to the newscast. Or you can just click here . I'm thankful that this time I didn't talk with my hands.  LOL.

3 days and counting till the launch

So today, I went to get my hair done.  Tomorrow, it will be time for a Pedi. I already have my outfit picked out and ready to go for the book launch on Saturday. The major details have been finalized.  Posters have been printed.  Door prizes are in-house, ready to wrap up for the drawing we'll have on-site. Balloons are scheduled to be picked up. Friday, I'll be interviewed on the number one top slated news show in Oklahoma City bright and early at 6 a.m. Now, I just have to think of all the little things I may have missed and take some time to de-stress.  It is strictly time to look forward to seeing everyone. What blows me away is that I'm getting messages from readers, who are fans, that are driving from multiple states away for the launch for Facing Redemption. What a humbling and mind-blowing experience this is going to be.  I'll post pictures to my FB page, so if you've not gone and liked it yet ... please do so.   Have a ...