Is this a great state or What???

So right about now I'm wondering how the Oklahoma Tourism Department is going to entice anyone to visit our state. Their slogan, Is this a great state or what? isn't quite the right fit for us after 2011.

Somehow, I don't think this year would make anyone think 'Yeah! I'm going to Oklahoma!' In fact, most of us who live here and love it, is seriously thinking about why we love it so much. After experiencing this year, I've caught myself looking to skies to watch for swarms of locusts or the second coming. LOL.

If you've been anywhere near a TV you may have seen that Oklahoma has been in the news. The national reports have shown 2011 as being the record-breaking year for Oklahoma's weather. We've set records with the strongest earthquakes in state records, the longest drought, the hottest summer, the most tornadoes, the biggest blizzard, the most rain, and flooding. All in one year!

Sheesh! And it's not like it's been quiet leading up to this year. Just two years ago one side of my house and roof was totaled in a massive hail shown here. I did not shoot the vid shown at that link, as we were all huddled in our closet as the end of our house was riddled with holes and windows were demolished. But that link/vid will give you a visual of the kind of hail we sustained.

Recently I met one of my cousins, who is getting ready to graduate from the University of Oklahoma's School of Meteorology. Kevin is an up and coming storm chaser, who has really good timing and great talent. In fact, he is the only one who shot the Joplin, MO tornado footage live, which he's since sold worldwide for different networks to use in their broadcasts.

Kevin was out with his crew yesterday chasing the outbreak of Oklahoma tornadoes that hit. He got some impressive footage that I thought I'd share with you. You can see the video at his Basehunters account on YOUTUBE.

If you're interested in his footage of any storm he's shot, you can find all his videos at this link.

So ... all you wandering travelers - if you've ever thought of coming to visit the great state of Oklahoma, I'd say wait till tornado season is over, which apparently now runs into November. Then I'd say get here before the snow and ice hit...wait that will start in November. Okay, come during the summers, if you don't mind a heat index of 120 degrees. Just bring lots of water, as we may run out! And just in case of some freak storm, bring a camera. You'll make the news!


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