Who could resist?

Okay so I'm a typical mom. I have to brag on my boy.

He made me a birthday card last night that read so beautifully. And not to take anything away from his heartfelt words, but part of the reason he did it was to make sure his card read better than my husband's card did - because my husband's card made me cry. Little T wanted to beat his dad out!

(Okay this part made my heart smile....what mom doesn't love that from their child?)

Okay, I'll retype the inside as it may be hard to read:
For my very precious (and most beautiful) mother :) I say Happy Birthday to the prettiest girl on earth. -- your son :)

On the back, he'd outlined his hand, and put T T cards inside. This was his logo.

He also drew a sheet of chore coupons, to be redeemed. There were nine to the page, with cut lines drawn. It came with its own bar code and pricing of $5.00. This was listed on the back, so if I wanted to buy more in the future I could. And of course, it had his logo - outline of a hand with The T Store. It stated:

Our prices won't be beat!! GAURONTEED great savings!

Now that is great marketing people. Not only is he giving me a valuable gift, but I can buy something from him later. HA! He is going to be a wheeler and dealer when he starts in the business world. Watch out!

On a side note - I'm very blessed to have the people in my life that I do.  God has truly blessed me with a great family.

My sis sent me some great flowers for my office yesterday... She's the best friend and sis a girl could have.


OkiJenninGA said…
Oh how precious and so sweet! I love the coupons & I love his heart! What a sweet and loving family! Girl...you got the best of both worlds. Glad your birthday was filled with so many blessings.

Jen aka OkiJenInGA

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