A very long journey

During the process of writing 'Finding Kylie' I got a lot of rejection letters.  No one wants to look at you unless you're a well-known name.  No one wants to read anything you send no matter if it's in the correct format or not.  So you jump through hoops to keep submitting in the perfect forms per each agency or pub house, and in the end, you get a form letter telling you 'Even though you've got a great talent - you're just not right for our organization.'

I didn't even look at what you sent, but I did file it in the trash ... right after my assistant looked at the return address to be able to address this form letter.

I was encouraged at each rejection letter - as that meant that was one more time I was closer to my yes.  I've saved each one.  So that when I have my own name in the industry, I can politely write them back and say thank you for the amazing encouragement.  And I mean that last statement with utmost sincerity! I do! Because if it weren't for them, I wouldn't have kept going!

Most, when they get rejected multiple times, decide that if no one believes them then it wasn't the right path for them.  Not me... I took each rejection with joy because it means to me that it's helping me gain more energy for success.  My multiple rejections only mean that I'm going to be blessed that much greater for listening - not to those in the industry - but to my God, who tells me I'm right on target.

Finally, a small but legitimate publishing house took me on and published Finding Kylie in October 2008.  When the book first came out, I knew it was meant to touch others.  I always said it didn't matter if I made twenty dollars off it - if only it impacted others.  And I still feel that way!  I truly only care that this storyline makes the reader stop, think, and appreciate their lives and how much God loves them through thick and thin.

Finding Kylie is not a Christian book, but it definitely has a Christian message at the end.  And if it touches one person, then I've done my job.  I know I can walk through the pearly gates and feel that I've done something for the kingdom.

Within a month, I got an email from a film producer in London who wanted to make the book into a screenplay. He warned me that it was a very long process but he wanted to partner with me to convert the book into a screenplay.

Long process ... hmmmm.  Okay, two years?  I could appreciate that.  No, he meant a LONG process.  So here we are four years later and within a week I'll have a finished product in hand.  I'm super excited to see what it brings.


Rebecca said…
Wow! That is so exciting. I'm so happy for you.
Bad Momma said…
How exciting!!! Let me know when it is released.

Anonymous said…
This is very exciting news, Kimberly! Do you know of a release date yet?
OkiJenninGA said…
Can I just say that I am very very proud of you! Only those who know the path that God has placed them on can persevere in such a way as to be a blessing and not a cursing and to reap the harvest of the seeds that have been planted! I am blessed to call you friend.

Side Note...looking forward to the next book ;-)
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks Jenn. You're so sweet. Hey if you ever want to mention the book on air to your listeners - I'd be honored. I'd send you a few free copies for a call in to win type of thing too. :) Let me know what you think.
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks ladies...no news of anything yet. We're just in the beginning stages of the whole process. I'll keep you posted though, I promise!

I appreciate the supportive comments!
Coupon Codes said…
A long journey indeed! But worth every minute of it, no doubt.
Kimberly McKay said…
Coupon Codes ... indeed. We're still in the process of getting the editing process worked out. We have a hard read in London this month. I'll be skyping in of course as I couldn't afford to fly over. One day maybe ...
Kimberly McKay said…
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