I, for one, love the smell of a real book. I love the way it feels, and how the pages turn. And some days I just sit and look at my bookshelf, in love with the way they look lined up in order. Everything from the cover design to the layout inside is appealing to me.

However, in this new digital age, I have to say that I'm very intrigued by having Kindle. They are the same size to read as a real book. It's as if the pages are just scanned and inserted inside. Even though I will still be a book lover at heart, I love how easy it is to just download a book and read in an instant.

Finding Kylie, my book, is also available on Kindle.

I would encourage any of you to try out this amazing technology. Most smartphones or iPhones even have a Kindle app that allows you to download. For those of you, who don't have time to go to a bookstore - download my book and let me know what you think.


cmk said…
I will be getting a Nook from Barnes & Noble within the next month or so. Until I saw one demonstrated, I NEVER would have been interested. I, like you, just love the whole idea of a book--and to be able to own one was my biggest wish when I was young. But, I think I will get myself into the 21st century and get a Nook--with the intention of buying hard copies of the books from my favorite authors, however. I can't see me living the rest of my life without buying another book that I can hold and see on my bookshelf. And with owning a Nook, I will have room on said bookshelves for my favorite books.
Kimberly McKay said…
I'm still holding off from getting a nook or a kindle...but your idea of saving your shelves for your fav books is a good one.

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