Catching up with you...

So I haven't posted since October ... wow!

I guess blogging has gone to the wayside with all the projects and work I've been doing. But since Oklahoma has been frozen by a blizzard, I thought I'd take a few seconds to communicate to any of you out there, who still read this little blog.

Lots of things have happened in three months. A few for starters:

* I was asked to become an asst. manager at my work - so that took me from part-time to full time. (hence no blogging)

* My own photography company picked up like crazy. (hence no blogging)

* more author events to promote the book (still no time for blogging)

* Christmas enveloped our schedule, rushing through the few hours I did have. When I wasn't working or with family, I had to get any shopping done which became non-existent in December.
Once December started, my hours changed to accommodate all other shoppers, which left me closing my store at 11 pm and home by midnight. So my husband had the fun chore of shopping this year. I took almost no part in it.

* I got stranded in the snow and ice on Christmas Eve for six hours, with no access home. My brother in law couldn't even reach me to come to get me in his truck, as all roads were closed around me. Finally, a co-worker's husband, who was nearby, braved the snowbanks of fourteen inches and escorted me home around hundreds (literally) of stranded cars on the roads. Navigating that feat was not easy. It was a miracle I got home to see my family for Christmas at all.

Now, here I sit, as another snowstorm approaches reflecting on this past week, let alone month - and I'm tired but still grateful for all that I've been given.

* I have a healthy family, which is the biggest blessing of them all.
* My business is still struggling along but doing okay. In fact, I have a wedding to shoot on New Year's Eve. I just hope I can drive in another mess that is getting ready to hit.
* If I 'have' to work for someone else to help us make ends meet, at least I have a great j-o-b.
* And I'm making a new year's resolution for the first time in my life. I'm going to be in shape for a 5K by the time my birthday hits in July. It's my birthday gift to myself.

All in all, so many things to be thankful for and so many things to continue to look forward to for the following year. I make just enough with my photography to break even, as expenses are pretty much even with my income.

This year, I may make it past that break-even point. And trust me for tax purposes, I'm not complaining. I have a fruitful career that although I wasn't expecting, I'm grateful for at the boutique. My family is all healthy and happy, no small feat. And this year will bring some amazing things that I'm still keeping under wraps...but you'll know more about soon.

I'd like to see what you're planning for the new year. Although I've never believed in resolutions and I feel we've got to make life choices every day...this year I'm starting something I've been putting off for a very long time. I'm getting my legs in shape like they were in their 20's!

Thanks for keeping up with me with this blog from time to time. I appreciate you all and look forward to hearing from you.


terri said…
Life sure has been busy for you. But it's good to see that through it all, you're still finding the blessings in each moment. I've missed you!
Rebecca said…
I was wondering about you. Glad to hear things are picking up & your family is doing well. May 2010 bring you all you're hoping for & a few extra surprises along the way.
Bad Momma said…
Happy 2010! Sounds like you are off to a great start!

I also had to abandon my blog for a month due to my busy season....

Sometimes "No News" really is "Good News"!

Hope you had a great New Years!
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks ladies!

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