
So you have to know my mother to truly appreciate this one.  She's a God-fearing lady who everyone perceives as very prim and proper.  She is very proper but also has a fun personality with a quick wit.

Mom always has a gem of wisdom to drop on you whenever a subject pops up.   She's an all-around homemaker, who is an expert in all things home - raising children, baking, cooking, gardening, decorating, etc.  She's also a true and talented artist too!

This woman has one of the biggest hearts and doesn't have a perverse bone in her body.  That being said she's not one to use foul language.  I think THE ONLY time I've heard her curse was when I started driving, and I pulled out in front of a fast, oncoming car.  Something big popped out of her mouth, and to our surprise, it sent me into laughing fits.

A couple of weeks ago, I dropped off my son so I could work for a few hours.  As I sit in her perfectly arranged and pristine home, I noticed that some water had leaked from the bottom of one of her potted plants. This water had spread out on half her glass-top dining table and was threatening to spill over the edge onto the very expensive, silk-covered dining room chairs.

"Hey Mom ... what's that water doing?"
"What?  What water?"
(pointing to her table, as my son sat in my lap)
"That water."
"Oh my goodness...I must have overwatered my plant."
(She lifts the bottom of her plant to inspect it before setting it down.)

My mother then promptly lifted the small planter, with the bottom plate firmly held under the pot.  That's when water came pouring from the plate and onto everything below (except - thank goodness - the dining room chairs). Once more, my mother surprised me with her knowledge of the human language.

"Oh Shi*!!"

Keep in mind my six-year-old has never heard many bad words. Our family isn't one that curses...and certainly not his Nana.  So, I came up with a quick cover.

"Did you hear that, baby?  Nana said, 'Oh'Cean!' because that water was like an ocean pouring out of that plant."

He started laughing because, to him, Nana is always funny.   Now everything he sees with water he yells, "Hey Nana!  Look -  OOO'Cean!"  She looks at me with disdain, and I start laughing.

"Hey, Mom. If you don't want to be teased - you shouldn't have said it!"  And I giggle again.  

My mother is not amused!  But I am!  

So to all you out there - when you're having a rough day - just remember:



terri said…
That is SO funny! You rescued your mom, whether she appreciates it or not!
Kiara Sultan said…
Hey Kim... it's been sometime since I revisited the blogging world.. nevertheless your entry made my day...

keep those entries coming :)

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