A healthy home = A healthy mind?

How many times in life do we need to purge? What about making something right?

It seems even the simplest of things can make our minds and bodies feel so much better. I don't know about you but I'm lazy about certain things in life.

I will work hard at my job and my family, and when the rest comes to the plate - I feel worn thin. So my house will be cleaned sporadically and my yard goes in spurts. I can't balance it all.

They say a sign of a healthy mind is when you're able to get up and make your bed every day. Do you notice when you do get your bed made, how good and refreshed you feel?

If you are anything like me - I'll cheat a little. I pull up the covers but won't completely make it every day. BUT when I do, making it feels good.  And I find that I have the energy to do more around my home.

Is anyone else like this or just me?

Today I finally purged my back garden of all the daunting monstrous weeds and tilled the 'hard as clay' dirt. I've neglected that back flower bed for way too long. 

I tried a few times to get it going. I've wanted to make sure it's as pretty as the one in my front yard (again - a balance issue ... or maybe time management, I'm not sure).  Somehow, though I've never ever committed or intended to make it happen.

Today is the first step in making my bad flower bed a success. My son helped in the process by getting his little garden tools and pulling up the little weeds. 

After we were done, we planted Okra and Tomato seeds that should germinate in about a week. We're going to our local garden center to get some mesh netting to protect them as they grow, from our new puppies dig happy claws.

It is so inspiring to watch something grow, that you've planted and matured with your own two hands. My son is so excited to see his baby okra grow too.  In fact, he was so inspired by our hard work - he came inside and made my bed as a thank you!

Hmmmm.... my six-year-old - completely making and outfitting my King bed with overstuffed pillows. Maybe I should make that one of his routine chores around the house. Or is that cheating again?


Rebecca said…
I know just what you mean! Except I do NOTHING in the yard - I have a black thumb so it's for the plants' own good really. I don't always make my bed but when I do my room feels cleaner. I have been a busy bee and my house shows it. I love purging items and cutting the clutter - both in my home & mentally. It's refreshing!
meleah rebeccah said…
and, spending time hands on in nature is always good for the soul!

Um, you are going to hate me, but I do make my bed every single morning. Its the first thing I do even before I brush my teeth. And, I make it all perfect because I am CRAZY like that. BUT...IT does make all the difference in the world. And, it makes my whole day better when I make my bed!!
Kimberly McKay said…
Rebecca, I would have a black thumb too if it weren't for my mom, who's a master gardener. She literally got certified as one. So she helps me a lot.

Meleah, I don't hate you -- just wish I was more like you. Be careful though not too make it too early as a fresh moist bed is a rampant breeding ground for mites. Wait at least an hour before making it, so the cold mattress will keep them at bay. Seriously - studies have been done...not making it up. :)
terri said…
I'd love to make the bed every day, but with my hubby's wierd work schedule and resulting odd sleep schedule, it seems as if he's always just getting in when I'm getting out.

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Things Mommies Love
Bad Momma said…
I just weeded my garden yesterday! It's a never ending task. After years of gardening, I finally have realized the importance of water and fertilizer. Fortunately we don't have any puppies to worry about. Just chipmunks, bunnies and the occasional raccoon.

I find my garden to be like Christmas; everyday brings new "presents"! Happy gardening!

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