6 week contest

I thought of a little contest I could start through this blog. For those of you who've not read the book yet, this will be an incentive hopefully for you, as well, to go get a copy.

In the next six weeks, I will be running a contest that everyone can participate in. The only catch is that you must have read Finding Kylie.

So what's the contest?

For the next six weeks, you're to email me once you've read the book - and tell me who your favorite character is from Finding Kylie and why. Tell me one thing in particular which made you fall in love with that character and why it defines them. I'll know if you've truly read the book by how you answer this challenge.

I will be choosing a top fifteen out of all the emails sent to me based on your thoughtful answers and heartfelt responses. Out of the top fifteen persons, I will do a random drawing. The winning person, whose email I choose, will get their name in the next book, Facing Redemption.

It may not be the main character's name, but it will have a prominent scene. And you'll get a mention in the forward in the book. For those of you who have read it, you get the first shot at sending an email. For those who have not, if you're able to go to Barnes & Noble - ask them to order your copy in. It's that simple. If you're no where near a Barnes and Noble than you can go through Amazon.

Here is the link to buy Finding Kylie.

I look forward to your emails.
Send them to kimberlymckayauthor@gmail.com
Thank you for your support! And I can't wait to hear from you!

Also after you've read it - don't forget to take a picture of you with the book and send it on to. Here's an example of some I've been getting!


meleah rebeccah said…
I am super excited for this contest!
Annette Piper said…
Great to hear that the new book is coming along!
I love all of the pictures of your readers and your book. That is great!

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