Crazy like that...

Sometimes my brain goes into overdrive. The bottom of my computer screen has this lovely weather bar at the bottom. Seeing it - my mind automatically parrots Snoop Dogg, and I say to myself, "Fashizzle, my frzdrizzle."

Now tell me why my dorky brain does such crazy stuff? And sometimes it's when other people are talking, and I have to stop it, my brain, and intently listen to them.

Do you do this or am I the only one who's a little crazy??


Lol, my hubby says "fo shizzle" all of the time.

Congrats on the great rankings of your book!
Kimberly McKay said…
Thats funny. I never say it out loud, but it always pops in my head.
WeaselMomma said…
I put money on a little crazy, but in a good way.
terri said…
It's a coping mechanism. That's my guess. Keeps us from popping a cork.

Your book ranking... WOO HOO!
Flora said…
to funny..yep i have these moments too:0)
I am Harriet said…
Happens to all of us :)
Kimberly McKay said…
It's been as good as 20,000 but slides back and forth. Seriously what does any of that really mean anyway?

Thanks Weasel, Terri, I am Harriet, and Flora. Glad to know it's not just me...
Annette Piper said…
How boring would the world be if we weren't a little crazy - at least some of the time....

Congrats on your book stats!
WeaselMomma said…
Is Finding Kylie available at Borders or Barnes and Noble? I picked this for my book club.
Kimberly McKay said…
It's available through Amazon. But yes, you can order it at B&N...they'll order it in and ship it. So I'd ask them how long it will take. Selfishly, Amazon is better for me due to the rankings that get better when people buy through them.

Hmmm...I had a many are in your group?? Maybe I have some here I can sign, and ship to you?

email me at:
Anonymous said…
That is so awesome~!! congrats on the ranking
Anonymous said…
I wish your brain was the only one that flakes out like that. I've got to force myself to listen intently most days and I don't have that cool gizmo bar on my computer screen (smile).

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