Facing Redemption

The sequel to Finding Kylie is called Facing Redemption. I'm twelve chapters in and am so ready to finish. When writing Finding Kylie, I would dream of different scenes or character traits and wake up, knowing what direction I needed to head with my next chapter.

So far with this book, I've not dreamt as much at night but can't stop daydreaming.

I need to pull my head out of the clouds and focus on my own life a little more. Lately, it seems all I eat, drink, and sometimes sleep is this sequel. I think mostly because every time I turn around I've been getting emails, phone calls, and questions from readers of 'Finding Kylie' wanting to know 'when the next book will be out.'

It's exciting to know they've fallen in love with my characters so much that they're chomping at the bit to have closure on some of the things I've left open-ended with the first book. It means I'm making a difference with my writing. I've impacted them in a way that I'd hoped too.

If you've not read Finding Kylie yet, and you're a book lover ... I encourage you to go to Amazon and get it. Let me know your thoughts on Chastity and her plight to find out about her history and her mother's past.

I hope you fall in love with the characters as much as I have and what it seems most of the readers have too.

Look for Facing Redemption ... the sequel to Finding Kylie ... next Spring or Summer.


terri said…
I can't wait!!!
Heidi said…
It looks like we published and started blogging about our books right around the same time. Your book sounds really interesting--and your experiences with writing about it sound so familiar, too. Good luck with your books!
Rebecca said…
Maybe I should wait to get Finding Kylie until Facing Redemption is on the bookshelves, that way I won't have to wait. Though I'd have to time it so that your third book would be out soon after I was done with the second. ;) I can't imagine being so distracted with a project but I guess it's better than the flip side and being completely blank. Have a great weekend!

OH & I saw that you called yesterday, was on my way to the commissary. And I wasn't sure if you maybe called the wrong Rebecca again. Less than 2 months until LOST is back! w00t!
I am Harriet said…
Sounds cool. Thanks
Kate said…
how exciting! I'm always so amazed at authors and their ability to just take an idea and run with it . . . for pages and pages, and books and books! I wish you all the best with your sequel. Once I get through the Twilight series, I plan to read Finding Kylie~
Shelvicious said…
I really admire your commitment to writing! I signed up for NaNoWriMo, but never even started. I was too intimidated. Keep up the good work. Can't wait to read your book.
Annette Piper said…
Sounds great! Keep up the great work and look forward to hearing the updates :)
Flora said…
Your book looks great will have to look it up...thanks :)
Anonymous said…
good job on this very interesting blog, I really injoyed reading it

Good luck with it
Lolly said…
I really admire your dedication to writing! I will have to get your book and actually read a book for a change-I have always loved to read but have not sat down to read a book in probably 5 years or so!
Lori@Thrifty Thoughts
Char said…
Yup, it's hard to switch gears when there's a story in your head trying to get out. All the best as you transfer the words to paper. I can't wait, either!
Mama is a big reader! She goes to the library twice a week to pick up books she has ordered on line. I am Planning to order your book for her!
I am Harriet said…
Sounds really good.
It sounds like you've really touched your readers! I hope you find all the inspiration you need to finish that second book soon. I've been considering writing a book and if there is any information you can give me that might help, I'd really appreciate it! I've got characters & ideas floating around in my head all the time. I dream about what will happen and what will happen after that, so I should start writing it down soon! Good luck with that 2nd book!

Unknown said…
See what you get for leaving a comment on my blog? Tagged for a Seven Things meme.
Happy Holidays and best wishes to you and every one love.

If you want to follow the meme, it should be here:
Anonymous said…
I ordered my copy!! Still waiting on it to arrive, but I can't wait to read it.

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