Missing Blogger Needs Your Help

Tara has been doing a great job of keeping us all up to date on Kathleen's disappearance, with posts like these. I'm sickened to think of a fellow blogger gone for 11 days and her local media is just NOW caring enough to run stories to get leads for the police.

Was anchorage so caught up in local and national election coverage that threat of a missings woman's life was too trivial to cover? It angers me that a loved and missed family member, mom, wife, and friend can just disappear with no one covering it!!!

Sheila Kathleen McBroom, more commonly known as Kathy McBroom, has been missing for over ten days.

Please watch this video, and if you know someone who knows anything please contact the local Anchorage authorities!


Hi from Eric ... I saw this video just now for the first time. I cannot believe there are no leads at all. Beany is a delight to talk with, and I pray she will show up somewhere .. somehow.

Thanks for posting this.
Anonymous said…
Holy Scary.
Kimberly McKay said…
I know...no leads? How is that possible? Maybe b/c the anchorage city didn't act on it like they should have and now nothing is left to find? I'm so sad for her family!
Mrs4444 said…
Isn't this terrible?! I just feel so bad for Beany and her family (I wrote a post, too.) Hopefully, some good news will turn up soon.

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