Fat lip and all ...

So last night my son purposely head-butted me and busted both my top and bottom lip. I keep trying to teach him to be gentle when playing with girls and me... but I don't think he's catching on.

This morning, the cuts were barely noticeable. Relieved, I continued with my day. My little guy stayed home from school today. He's been on antibiotics, which make him crazy - with a capital C!

We were playing and he shoved up his arm and fist, pretending to knock someone out. Unfortunately for me, I turned my head toward him and into a little fist.

Now I have my first fat lip. I look like I had a collagen injection!

Well, I always wanted sexy full lips. Now I have one!

(I hope it goes down before tonight's book launch party)


wfbdoglover said…
Mine was the same way.... and finally calmed down!
Kimberly McKay said…
So what you're saying is that he's a puppy? All rowdy and reaking havoc, but calm down eventually as they grow up a bit? Man! I was hoping I could blame the behavior and extreme extreme hyper-activity to the anti-biotics.
terri said…
Kids don't always have the best timing do they? Hope it mellows before tonight!
Anonymous said…
Hey wornout woman, I'm checking out your scene from the MBC connection. Wow - a real author - right on! I love this head butt story. Sorry for you though : - (

I have a 17-month-old boy after having my two girls (6 and 4) and WOW - boys are different. I KNOW I will have some fat lips in my very near future and my man tells me to get prepared for some trips to the ER - this little dude gets into everything!

See ya' around..
Veronica Lee said…
Hi wornout woman! Meet burn-out mom! I had my share of lip cuts from my 2 monsters....er...boys too!
Dana said…
Being the mom of boys, I feel your pain! I've had a few fat lips over the years - one recently from my youngest daughter. I was leaning down to give her a kiss on the head just as she reared up. Yep, new sexy lip!
Anonymous said…
Ugh, my son's the same way! He's figured out that swinging his big head towards my nose is the most effective way to block me from picking him up when he doesn't want me to or turning off the TV when it's time to well, stop watching TV.
Orna Ross said…
Congratulations on both your creations -- book and son!
I'm sure your fat lip has gone down by now....I'm just hoping mine does soon. My little guy (10 months) was sitting in my bed this morning. I was laying down looking up at his cute face, when he suddenly fell over on me. His forehead hit my mouth and slammed both my top & bottom lips right into my teeth. YIKES! OUCH! His little bruise is looking better, right next to all his other head injuries, but my lip?????? His new nickname is Head Wound Harry (from SNL), but my loving husband has yet to give me a nickname...

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