Meme on!

wfbdoglover tagged me with a fun meme. Since it's been a while since I've done one, I thought I'd give it a try. Then, I read Terri at her blog with the meme she just did. It inspired me to mix my meme up a little.

Here are the regular rules for the six quirky things about me meme:

* Post the rules on your blog
* Write six random things about yourself
* Tag six people

Here are my rules:

I'm gonna post five things, instead of six, about me that have multiple choice answers. They're all a little quirky, so any of them could be the right answer. Heck, there may be more than one right answer. So have fun trying to figure it out.

I'm extremely competitive and ...

a) get very anxious playing my son or husband in any sport at home because I've got to win.

b) won't bet unless I know it's a sure thing. I've hardly ever lost a bet.

c) can't even relax while learning something new and shouldn't be the best yet, but still expect to be.

d) feel the need to even win 'rock - paper - scissors' or thumb-wars against my DH.

Whenever I mean to do or say something that doesn't come out right, I pop out with ...

a) Oh, did I do that?

b) O, just kiddin'

c) Seriously?

d) Not even!


I can speak these languages:

a) German

b) Pidgin

c) Japanese

d) Spanish


I was once on ...

a) a yacht in the Pacific ocean with photographers and the owner was a friend to the Yakuza.

b) a first date that was held on a military ship. The military officer, who invited me couldn't leave, because he had to work. He made me dinner, and I got the grand tour.

c) a runway, walking the cat-walk. It was for a nationally televised fashion show in Japan.

d) spring break, where I went bungee jumping in Padre, while in college.


In my life I've ...

a) had to do crowd control at Rick Springfield's concert and ended up doing the bouncer's job by the stage front.

b) sunbathed al-la natural on my parent's back deck, where no one could see me. I thought no one was home until my dad walked in on me getting rid of my suntan lines. I've never done that again!

c) learned to play the guitar, and the piano.

d) run three marathons.

What are the answers? Who should do this next? I'd be interested in seeing how BusyDad does his. Also Meg would have fun with this. Tara, at IfMomSaysOK needs to have a crack at it. And that's it ... I'm not pushing it on anyone else.

I look forward to seeing which of those random facts belong to me!


Tara R. said…
I really like the twist on this one... I'll give it a go!
Rebecca said…
#1: b
#2: d
#3: c
#4: d
#5: a

I'm thinking I got at least a couple right =]
terri said…
Wow. This is a tough one. I want to say that ALL of these facts are true about you... if not, I'd be hard pressed to figure out which ones are the right ones!
Char said…
Alas, the people that got me into blogging don't post on a regular basis any more. Seems three children under 5 are a little time consuming. Maybe I'll try a different meme.
BusyDad said…
AHHH! I fear this one. Know why? I have been tagged (and have posted) this one multiple times. I looked in the cubboard and I'm fresh out of random. But I enjoyed reading these, and if I somehow find some fresh randomness at the store, I will stock up and do this one (it has been a while since I've done one). But you know what? I'm the same way - I won't do something unless I can kick butt at it, so unless I find some gems of randomness, I'll just sit there stressing about it! :)
Anonymous said…
#1. I'm extremely competitive and

c) can't even relax while learning something new and shouldn't be the best yet, but still expect to be.

#2. Whenever I mean to do or say something that doesn't come out right, I pop out with ...

b) O, just kiddin'

#3. I can speak these languages:

b) Pidgin
d) Spanish

#4. I was once on ...

d) spring break, where I went bungee jumping in Padre, while in college.

#5. In my life I've ...

b) sunbathed al-la natural on my parent's back deck, which was upstairs so no one could see me. I though no one was home, until my dad walked in on me getting rid of my sun tan lines. I've never done that again!


d) run 3 marathons.

Those are my guesses.

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