Wornoutwoman = WOW or MOM (take your pic...either applies)

I think today I need a mommy day. All moms, even the really really good ones need a break now and then.

Lately, I've had a lot going on...which has added some slight stress.

  •  I've quit my career to find a job that allows me to work around my son's schedule.

While stressful it's been a really really good move for our family. We've had more quality and quantity time... but it has changed our finances for the worse.

  •  My sister's getting married....all good stuff happening there, but there are still some little stresses that my mother's feeling, which affects us all. And with a day and a half to D-day, the outdoor wedding, rainy, wet weather isn't ideal. That saying - when momma ain't happy, nobody's happy. It applies here. 

  •  My son has earned MY childhood nickname, radio. They called me that because I'd talk and they couldn't turn me off! My little one, adorable as he is...has a lot to say all the time and reports everything to me in spades.

  •  My husband has been out of town for two days/nights, which leaves me with no sleep as I'm not comfortable without him here at night. I used to have my dog with me when he left town, and now that Hershey's passed... it's too quiet, and I can't sleep.

As I sit here, I envision a beach and am looking forward to the pedicures I have scheduled for my sister's wedding party at the spa. I need a WOW break and some MOM time!

Now in the meantime, can we make the Wii stop playing that incessant circus-like music??? AHHH!

Now I'm off to church, to volunteer in my weekly Wednesday night with eighteen hyper 5-year-olds. DOUBLE AHHHHHH!


wfbdoglover said…
Good luck tonight!
Kiki said…
Oh you are swamped and definitely in need of some mom time, hope you are able to get some rest soon and you are able to spoil yourself!!!

Take care, sending some extra strength prayers your way!!!
I'm sorry your a little bit stressed. I hope things settle down for you soon.
terri said…
Someone needs a big hug.... here....

Ane said…
I am getting down to the last weeks of my pregnancy and I really feel ya with the break time, I am scheduling a "ME" day in a week because I need it! So I am gonna do what I want (pedicure/manicure) eat what I want (steak or L&L's BBQ and some nice dessert) and gonna go window shopping at the mall! I hope you are feeling better today! Added you to my blog list! Have a nice Thursday!
WeaselMomma said…
Hand in there. In case of emergency you can run to the liquor store ans buy yourself a bottle of (this is a real brand) Mommy's time out(wine).
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks ladies! Today's the wedding. We went out for a 'not a bachelorette' party last night. My sister didn't want one, but we ended up out any way.

I had my pedicure, a great dinner with a perfect margarita, and sipped plain ole water the whole night listening to an 80's band.

It was JJJJJUST what the mommies ordered!
Life is a blast - this post cracked me up - sorry, just couldn't get in the "so sad" mood! lol Papa is praying for you. In the evening mama and I pray for my blog roll by name !! Love you Kim.
Kimberly McKay said…
Papa you're precious...please tell Momma that I appreciate you both so much. Thank you! And you're so is a blast!
Unknown said…
Yup... I say you've earned a "pedi".

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