Life Interrupted by Chris

A blogging buddy of mine asked me to review his book. I, of course, agreed wholeheartedly. I assumed, judging the book by its cover, that it would be strictly about his struggle with MS and his journey through this crippling disease.

I couldn't have been more surprised and delighted once reading, to find this story had not only about the obvious but the underlying struggles this man goes through in the process. Delighted sounds callous, and I don't mean I'm delighted he has the health issues he does. I mean delighted, in that the book had so much more depth to it than I first imagined.

Chris M. Tatevosian humbly writes from his heart to encourage not only those struggling with MS, that there is life with this disease, BUT he writes to encourage everyone to let go of the 'poor pitiful me' syndrome that we all take on with any life challenges. He claims that this PPM (poor pitiful me) syndrome is more debilitating than the disease MS itself.

Chris shares his experiences in his life and marriage, and how PMM broke him and his relationship with his wife down bit-by-bit. He does this to encourage the reader to learn from his mistakes... to take a different path whether the reader has MS or not.

 In reading his book, you can clearly see he deeply desires his readers, to count their blessings daily. He encourages us all to remember those around us... those who support us. He wants us to not only love and appreciate them but remember not to take them for granted through our PMM.

Chris' testimony and story encouraged me to take life one step at a time, with humor, grace, and patience for all around me.

Whether you're saddled with disease or circumstance, we're all subject to feel sorry for the lot life has dealt us. This book is a wonderfully written reminder to make sure to count our blessings and be aware of those we love around us. To not only be aware of their needs, but tell them every day how much you love and appreciate them. This is a wonderful read and I would highly recommend it.

To purchase Life Interrupted-It's Not All About Me click here.


That's a great review! I'm actually off to see about purchasing the book right now.....speaking of books.....when does your book it shelves?
Kimberly McKay said…
Thanks bitrcg! My first edit is being done right now, which means until I see the revised edition I can't answer you. I would guess early October. I'll definitely scream it to the rooftops when I have a hard date though.
Momo Fali said…
MS seems to run in my family. There are a lot of distant relatives (my Mom's cousins, etc.) and then there is my Mom and my niece, who handle the disease so well. But, I also have a good friend with MS who has disappeared off the face of the earth. She won't even let anyone visit her. Maybe I need to get her this book...
Kimberly McKay said…
Momo, it for sure was an eye opener for the impact that 'feeling sorry for yourself' has. It may help your friend.
Anonymous said…
My SIL has MS and doesn't have the PPS...which I'm really proud of. She rocks :) I do think she might enjoy the book?
Anonymous said…
I think I need to get my hands on that book...
Anonymous said…
really good review about things

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