Travel time for little T

YAYYYYY Friday's almost here. Our trip to Hawaii to not only see my family in Oahu but island-hop to Maui for a family wedding.

I think I'm behind the curve ball already though with so much still to do in preparation for our flight! Ahhhhh!

I have to organize a good enough travel bag to entertain a five-year-old for the long flight. Here's what I'm going to include for my son, little T:
*Coloring Books/Crayons
*UNO Cards
*Blank paper/Pens
*Mini DVD player/kid movies
*Gum, snacks, water/juice

Do you think these things are enough for such a long trip? We've only flown to California with my son, and I'm not sure what to expect. Other than a hyper little kid who can't sit still for too long in normal circumstances!

All I know is that when he was two, flying to Cali was enough to swear me off air travel with a kid for a very very long time!

I can't link to my blog from that trip, as it's my myspace account and it's set to private. So I'll just paste what I blogged about back in 2006. For your reading pleasure:

Well, we just took our second flight of the week. We landed in San Francisco on Friday are now in Orange County.

My son, God love 'em, has done really well, and almost goes the whole flight without a temper tantrum or any episodes of interests....until the last thirty minutes as we start to come into our current destination.

Then the battle of the boy begins and everyone around will hear, "Get me OFF THIS PLANE!" I know it's the air pressure and it affects his ears. I try to get him to suck from his sippy cup, but today -- it wasn't happening.'

Man, do I sympathize with him...I want off it too. Flying isn't my favorite thing, especially with the turbulence. At least most everyone gave him reassurance when we'd get off. They kept telling him, "How you doing buddy?", when we were walking down the aisle to leave. I was surprised at how cordial most air travelers have been. I'm glad that leg of the trip is OVER!

This doesn't sound so bad as I go back and read it, but at the time it was very stressful. So now I know most of you have had lots of air travel experience with kiddos! Give me some insight on what works for you! I need some help here guys! Do good moms really use benedryl? IS that even bad to ask??


Anonymous said…
I haven't flown with kids, but it seems like you have the entertainment factor covered. Would he sleep part of the time if he was tired enough? I don't think I could give my kids benadryl just to make them sleepy, but maybe you could keep him up late the night before!
Kimberly McKay said…
I don't know if he would sleep at all. He's not a sleeper. He fights it at all costs and usually does it by running wild. And on a plane, YIKES! I don't think I could ever do benadryl either, and never have unless medically necessary for allergies. BUT you hear so many people say they use it. I don't see how they could stoop to that, but with 8 hours of flight...whew. I'm not looking forward to it...
wfbdoglover said…
I don't know if I've told you, but my son loves that bubble game on your web page. Of coarse he figured out how to play it too...

Anyhow, as far as travel. My son was 9 when he went to Ireland. The movies and hand held games kept him pretty busy.

When he was younger, I went out and bought a few small toys/games/books. It was a secret bag, and he didn't know what was in it. I was only allowed to pick one thing out of it every half hour and had to put the other item back. I know how we both feel about buying items from China. (I put back a few things tonight, including a picture frame) but maybe just this once, you could go to the dollar store and make an exception.

Maybe besides the coloring books, you could get a few work books? Does he like word searches and connect the dots?

I would also let him get up and walk around the plane with you once every 45 mins.. that might help keep him from getting restless.

When I was younger, and flew to California - I got mastoiditus (spelling) It was a middle ear infection and coming home to Wisconsin I had some awful pressure in the ear. The Stewardess was kind enough to put a really hot wash cloth in a cup and I held it to my ear - that really helped. I would also pack a couple of lollipops just in case.

good luck!!! and have fun! Kat
Kimberly McKay said…
wfgdoglover....have I told you lately how much I adore you? THANK YOU THANK YOU! Great advice!! He does love word searches...great idea!
Rebecca said…
Looks like I'm a little late on this one since your flight was yesterday - sorry! This last flight we took to California had me swearing it off until my hubby can go with us (once we return home of course). I hope your flight went well! Everything you listed looks great but like you said, it's hard for them to sit still.

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