photo opp or oops

Ok, I had to send some shots to my publisher for press releases and book covers.
I'm letting you be the judge of which one you'd pick. Actually, it would help me if you would, so I would know which would work best...or if none of them work at all!

Thanks all! Let me know which you think would work best. I'd appreciate your help.


wfbdoglover said…
This is hard. I like the middle one the best, but I do like the black and white one.

I would have to see the book cover to know the final... What's your title? (If you don't want to share yet that's OK)
wfbdoglover said…
Your makeup looks great by the way!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE black and white shots the best, but I do like the middle one as well...
Anonymous said…
I like the close up!
Char said…
Not knowing anything about your book, whether it's sacred or secular, fiction or non-fiction, I'd say the top one.

Of the stuff I read, which is all of the above, publishers seem to favor close-ups aka Karen Kingsbury and Tyndale Fiction.

That said, they're all good photos.
Middle or BW has my vote. Middle is my first choice!
mandy said…
are you still taking votes?
i like the second/third ones!
Anonymous said…
You Look Amazing. These are like "professional quality. "

Anonymous said…
Probably too late but I love the last one :)

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