Happy Fourth of July!!

Here's a message from me and my little one to you!


Anonymous said…
A message on a blog is so cool! Am I just losing my mind or did you change your theme?
wfbdoglover said…
LOVE your new header!!!
Momo Fali said…
I am cracking up at this...how you tried to fix the toy, but it broke more and asking him about the soap. Too funny! And, who taught him the, "Ain't no bugs on me"? Seriously. I have tears in my eyes, and there's still more to listen to!
Kimberly McKay said…
Your not losing your mind....I did change it. It's the military brat in me...I need to move and shake it up every so often or I get bored.

Momo...I know, he's a hoot! I'm so laughing most days...others I'm rolling my eyes asking myself, "did he just say that??" And he saw that commercial once on TV and memorized it. He's got a steel trap for a mind.

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