I am cracking up at this...how you tried to fix the toy, but it broke more and asking him about the soap. Too funny! And, who taught him the, "Ain't no bugs on me"? Seriously. I have tears in my eyes, and there's still more to listen to!
Your not losing your mind....I did change it. It's the military brat in me...I need to move and shake it up every so often or I get bored.
Momo...I know, he's a hoot! I'm so laughing most days...others I'm rolling my eyes asking myself, "did he just say that??" And he saw that commercial once on TV and memorized it. He's got a steel trap for a mind.
I got this for Mother's Day along with a big three-ring binder of photos and artwork that my son has compiled all through PRE-K. It was the most touching gift he's given to date, in his five years. Even though his PRE-K teacher orchestrated taking all the pics through the school year and organizing all his artwork, it was still all my son's favorite pieces and shots. I loved it. I love that he thinks I'm fourteen feet tall, which he says it's all leg by the way. He even drew me that way. I love that he remembers my age and my favorite color. I love that he still loves my kisses. I hope he never outgrows that, but I know he will. After giving it to me, he told me he loved my hair put up but thought it would be prettier with more ponytails. He ran and grabbed more colorful rubber bands and asked me to put them on in the places he pointed to. "I want a pink one ... there. I want the blue one ... there." He looked at me when I'd finished a...
Last week we did something we've been waiting to do. My son had his fifth birthday party in March and asked each child to bring $1 donations for Feed the Children in addition or in replacement of any gift they brought for him. Most did...some didn't and it was okay either way. Some gave five dollars or more. In total, he raised $16.87. He's been asking for weeks when we could drop off the money to their offices. He's extremely concerned with kids in Africa. He's the reason we sponsored a child through Compassion International . He saw Micheal W. Smith's video of how many kids in Africa were starving and in need, and he asked me that night if we could sponsor a kid. I wholeheartedly agreed to. I thought I'd be the one to mold my son on his path in life, and I will but my son teaches me more than I ever imagined possible. He's got such a big heart and it's full of compassion for those less fortunate. Feed the Children's corporate...
Okay, so I got a sex ed lesson this week from my almost 5-year-old. I know at this age kids are extremely interested in their bodies and the differences in them and the opposite sex. I think with boys...they are from birth to the grave....but I digress. He called me into the bathroom and said, "hey mom....um you know my hump?" (He calls his nads his hump, and I've never told him any other term) I nodded my head. He asked, "do you know it's a bucket of skin that holds my pee?" I raised my eyebrows and said, "No, I didn't know that." Okay...at this point I'm not going to correct him. I'm just gonna let him figure some stuff out on his own until "THE" talk comes at a later date. He got excited and kept going, " And you know what? " "What?" "When I'm older...I'll have hair on it too!" I almost fell to the floor at this one! "Ooooh really? Where did you hear that?" ...
Momo...I know, he's a hoot! I'm so laughing most days...others I'm rolling my eyes asking myself, "did he just say that??" And he saw that commercial once on TV and memorized it. He's got a steel trap for a mind.