When I grow up....

I've been stuck in this place lately wondering what I want to be when I grow up...professionally speaking. I've been in sales my whole life essentially since I was five years old, working it at garage sales. I'd assume the sale and direct people to what I thought they needed. This is why I think we've always done so well whenever we have one because we've got a professional garage saler in our midst...ME.

Sales are what I'm good at, but it's not what in my heart. They say to do what you love, but I'm always drawn to sales because I can excel at it and provide for the family. Lately, though I've not been excelling at it. I've been stuck in some weird middle ground, where I don't care anymore. I've lost my drive and am left wondering what I should be doing.

Doing what I love, writing and photography makes me happy. So here's what I've decided...

I have a feeling that my book will be getting published soon, as a small publishing house has shown some real interest. I'm going to work local book store chains to get some space. I'm going to work the state paper, where I used to work, to get a review. And see how it goes.

I've already started my photography business in October, but haven't really promoted it. Without asking for any business, I've had a steady flow of a couple photoshoots a month. It's been enough to help us get by financially. I WILL get my business cards made this week!! And I WILL start handing them out and promoting myself. If I could get five gigs a month, I'd be happy.

And I plan on taking a sales position with a company that's already made me an offer until I can get my first love up and running. I'm leaving my current position, in sales, because of the environment. I'm not a fit there...they know it and so do I. I don't drink their company kool-aid. I'm not motivated to be my best there. It's time to change and move toward my goals. In the meantime, I'm at peace just getting that out there. Instead of wornoutwoman, I'm signing off as peaceoutwoman tonight!

So as I sign off I'm leaving you to have a good laugh at my husband's expense...my son got out his face paints this afternoon and attacked his dad after he got home from work. For a five-year-old, I think he's expressed himself very well. I call it Americana Gone Wild!

Now I just hope he can get most of the pigment off his face for work tomorrow. His new boss may not think it's so funny!


wfbdoglover said…
YAY you!! I was just thinking today about your book. I was trying to remember who I read about it from and surprise here is the information I was seeking.

As far as the business cards, I am in printing and would like to suggest vistaprint.com. If you sign up for their emails, they have special almost every weekend and you can get 250 cards for about $10.00's or less. I've order several business cards for myself and friends that didn't need expensive ones and holiday cards too...

Love the body art! Good luck with your career change - I'm happy for you!
wfbdoglover said…
I just got an email this morning where everthing today is free at vista print, if there is a way can forward via email... I got a free offer for this weekend on b/c.

Also, figures a 10 year old would figure out the bubbles game and beat all my scores! You have to get three in a row to clear the bubbles....
Kimberly McKay said…
Thank you for the vista info. I sent you my email. Did you get it?
wfbdoglover said…
I did now, thank you!

I hope they work... Maybe that could be your Friday Find!! :)
Anonymous said…
Yay for you! You're doing something few of us have the guts to do. You're leaving your safety net behind to do something that truly fulfills you. I wish you much success!

P.S. Your hubby's a GOOD SPORT! LOL!
Oh my - what a face - sometimes we need to be vulnerable and willing to take a risk!
Meg said…
Double YAY!!!! A BOOK!!! I always knew you would do great things, you are such a wonderful,loving and giving person! You deserve so much sweetie!

Your husband is such a good sport too! Off to read your Daily Blessings!
Rebecca said…
I'm excited for your upcoming business opportunities. I think that a person can work for the sake of working but true satisfaction & enjoyment come when there is passion behind that work. This point of transition sounds like it will be a great season for you!

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