Mother's Day Surprise

I got this for Mother's Day along with a big three-ring binder of photos and artwork that my son has compiled all through PRE-K. It was the most touching gift he's given to date, in his five years. Even though his PRE-K teacher orchestrated taking all the pics through the school year and organizing all his artwork, it was still all my son's favorite pieces and shots. I loved it.

I love that he thinks I'm fourteen feet tall, which he says it's all leg by the way. He even drew me that way. I love that he remembers my age and my favorite color. I love that he still loves my kisses. I hope he never outgrows that, but I know he will.

After giving it to me, he told me he loved my hair put up but thought it would be prettier with more ponytails. He ran and grabbed more colorful rubber bands and asked me to put them on in the places he pointed to. "I want a pink one ... there. I want the blue one ... there." He looked at me when I'd finished and smiled, "Now you look even prettier mommy!"
Ummm...I don't think I have to worry about my son's future as a hairdresser or fashion stylist. For one he's all boy and has no tendencies in those areas. And for two, if he thinks this is pretty...he'd have no success in it even if he wanted to.

I look like a sad snoop dog imitator. Be a playah...not a hatah!

PS...yes no make up is not good. This could be an ad for a true wornoutwoman!


Anonymous said…
I LOVE it! I smiled throughout the entire time I was reading your post. Your son is a doll! 14 feet tall! That's so funny! And the picture to match the description is adorable. I really miss the days when I got those homemade gifts from my kids.
wfbdoglover said…
Very fun and touching... thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
That is so sweet! :) I love to hear what our kiddies think of us. Adorable
Anonymous said…
OH my.. that is some look!! I love this post.. 14 ft tall? LOL

What a great gift..
Kimberly McKay said…
I know 14 feet tall? Who'd da thought? He's a sweet kid. He'd have to be to say I'm pretty with as worn out as I looked that day the other picture was taken. I was definitely NOT pretty. In fact my husband couldn't believe I'd post that pic of me on this.
Janice said…
You look frightened!! lol Cute pic. My son does my hair on occassion too. :)
NH Yocal said…
Awww, that is so sweet. Man, you are tall, is that in stiletto heels?

Love the pic of your in pigtails,my son likes to do my hair too but usually gets the brush all tangled up in it...can we say, painful?

Happy belated Mother's Day!
Hahaha... You are AWESOME for posting that picture!
Actually - his picture is better than the photo - he did a great job! You will cherish the notebook forever!
Kimberly McKay said…
Papa, any picture is better than my photo. I was so tired and with no wasn't a pretty sight. OUCH it hurts when I look at it!
BusyDad said…
I think that picture deserves to be in the "Moms who are good sports" Hall of Fame! hahaha great stuff, Ms. 14 ft. tall pretty and nice woman!
Soge shirts said…
adorable letter. White snoop dog impersonaters can't step to you lol.
Kiara Sultan said…
that is so sweeeeeeet!

Besides.. I touched with the fact that he remembers your favourite colour..
And the portrait of you...that's his perspective of how mummy looks..

You are one lucky mummy!!
Anonymous said…
I love the 'I love my mommy because check list' cute is that!
Momo Fali said…
So great! I have a friend who has a really short husband, but she always says, "My husband is 10 feet tall". This reminded me of that. The taller they say you are, the more they love you!
Vartika said…
Hey! That’s the cutest (if that’s a word) account of Mother’s Day I have read (and seen) this time around!
The card is so sweet and what your son made you do is even better!
Wish you and your family a great life!
Keep posting!
Stacy said…
14 feet tall wow lol

That's so cute.

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