Taking the plunge...

Okay, so my family is heading to Hawaii, more specifically...Maui, in July for a family wedding.

I was raised on Oahu, so we're stopping over there first to see family I haven't seen since 1995. My son is the same age, five yrs, that I was when I lived there the first time. My auntie and uncle couldn't make it to Oklahoma for my wedding and haven't met my other half. So I can't wait to introduce them to my family and take tons of pics of my son in the same places I mugged at....like my school, St. Anthony's...a private Catholic school...the banyan tree in the park... You get the point. It'll be nice to have some family time where I grew up.

We'll have a few days at my aunt's house and then head to Maui to stay with my in-laws in a house off the beach before we see my brother in law get hitched to the most adorable girl. She's an amazingly beautiful girl, who we all just love.

Here's my dilemma (other than finances). We're going to have hmm (counting in my head) nine days over there. So, yay. I'm excited. But I don't want to (guys stop reading here if you're sensitive to girly stuff) have to deal with shaving and haven't ever gone for a wax in that area.

Where I come from waxing is what you do to a board before hitting the beach! Just how much does it hurt to get a bikini wax? I'm seriously contemplating taking the plunge and just can't imagine someone down there doing anything in full light except my OBGYN. What are the pro's and con's ladies???

Please do tell me because I'm trying to make up my mind and your input will help.


mandy said…

unfortunately, i don't speak from experience... but i DO know that i was told NOT to get my lip or eyebrows waxed 36 hours before my wedding, because of redness, splotchiness, and bumpy ingrown hairs.


so. if the rule applies to the face, i'm guessing it also applies to other areas. its too risky - you're vacation could be RUINED! i can't imagine how long it'd take to recover from a bad waxing.

i lived on the beach for 5 years. never got a waxing. shave shave shave.
Anonymous said…
Can't believe I'm going to admit this here, but.... I wax. Definitely have it done a few days ahead of time. I'd recommend having it done professionally if it's your first time. Afterwards, if you want to keep it up, you can buy brazillian wax at a beauty supply store that can be microwaved and do it yourself at home. After each time it's done, it hurts less and less and is SO TOTALLY worth it!
Kimberly McKay said…
Okay...Mandy thank you so much for the info. So far that's one for no and one for yes! I need to hear from more people. I get my upper lip waxed and it doesn't hurt or have any adverse issues. So I'm leaning toward yes after hearing what you've said Terri.

Thanks to you both for leaving me some interesting info to ponder. And Terri...no worries about admitting anything here...you're cracking me up.
Anonymous said…
Ouch.. I don't wax because of fear of the pain.. but I gave birth two times naturally.. go figure..LOL

Have a GREAT time..I am soo jealous.
Joeprah said…
I stopped reading like you per your instructions, but the comments let on too much. Yikes! You need to be brave is all I can offer. Also, Bon Jovi always seemed too Poppy (pop music annoys me very much especially the image). The songs were also annoying (for me), but I am sure you would not like a lot of my lame music either.
Anonymous said…
Wow! Good for you! Sounds wonderful! Can't offer any info on bikini waxing. I'm too much of a wuss to try one myself!
Kimberly McKay said…
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one afraid of the pain.

Joe...glad you heeded my advice!
Martin said…
guys stop reading here if you're sensitive to girly stuff

bless, you've not read my blog have you.

Wax all the way, provided you have enough lead time before you go to let the ouchness die down as it would be your first.

You'll both reap the benefits ;0)

I'll just shut up now...
Kimberly McKay said…
I have read your blog and recommend everyone go read your latest post RIGHT now!
Anonymous said…
wax- this is from another mama. It will hurt but you will live and be glad you did it. Have an idea of what you want before you schedule it so she doesn't take off too much or not enough. I actually took a poll once on this issue and I found that more women had "landing strips" or were completely "bald eagle" than al-natural. Don't ask why for the poll? It was a random conversation starter. Good luck!!
Kimberly McKay said…
Hmmm interesting take on this post. No I've not thought about what type other than just the normal wax to keep from shaving.
Unknown said…
I've only ever had my brows waxed and it doesn't hurt too badly. My skin stays red for a few hours and I'm told I get redder than most.

Next weekend I'm going to a cousin's wedding in Northern Florida. Family's coming from Ohio and South Carolina and other parts of Florida. It'll be the first time I've seen some of them in years. I can't wait. I hope you also have a great wedding/vacation. I've never been to Hawaii. Show lots of pics when you get back.
Karen MEG said…
The thought of a brazilian totally terrifies me. I read somewhere that you have to get into semi-pornographic poses in order for the technician to do the best job LOL! I don't even do that for my husband (TMI, I know).

Now a regular bikini wax, I might try.

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. BTW. And I am very envious of your trip. Sounds wonderful!
Birdie said…
I've seen people get waxed on TV and they're red. Seems like it goes away eventually - you hope! I use a razor the first time, then maintain the works an electric razor. It's so easy and not messy, but you have to repeat it daily or every other day. I agree...everyone benefits *L* I guess anything can lead to redness if you aren't toughened up. Whatever you do, DON'T use NAIR and do it way in advance. Oh, and have fun in Hawaii!
Kimberly McKay said…
OUCHeee wawa! Bad Brazilian....no no!

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